Двадцать (Twenty)

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Russian Translations:

Великолепный - Magnificent

Принцесса - Princess

Маленькая принцесса - Little Princess

The plan was complicated.

"Think we can pull it off?" Nat mumbled.

Sascha shrugged. "I've done worse. With a lot less."

Melina led them to her secret weapons vault behind her bookcase. 

"Oooooo..." Sascha stepped inside.  "Beautiful! Великолепный!"

It was a simple act of deception - they would use Melina's high ranking status within the Room to get inside and from there-

Well from there all hell would break lose.

Would surely break lose.

But it would all be planned.

A simple act of deception, yet a complicated plan. 

"So once we're inside I'll activate my tracker and Ross will come running," Nat said as they suited up. 

"You are aware that you are still a global fugitive, yes?"

"You know the facility, there must be some way to land it." 

"Instruct them to confine us on level zero," Melina explained. "Once I'm out I can activate the landing protocol and we can descend within the hour. Ah - problem. I only have one earpiece set."

Nat took the case. "I'll give it to Yelena."

"Very well. Now, even if you locate the database and get him to show you the key, you won't be able to take it from him," Melina carried on. "For years, Dreykov has implemented a pheromonal lock in all Widows, even me."

Sascha scrunched up her nose. "Eww."

"So as long as we can smell him, then we won't be able to hurt him."

"Eww. I don't have lock."

"You can do it."

"No." Sascha nodded to Nat.  "As much as I want to, I don't have the same ties to Dreykov as you do - the stakes aren't as high. You should be the one who goes in for the kill. If anyone should, it's you."

Nat gave her a thankful smile - she knew how much Nat wanted to be the one to do this, and she also knew how much she deserved to be the one to do this, so it was only right, only fair, if she was the one. She was the one for the job. "Okay, I'll just hold my breath."

"No, not enough," Melina told her with a shake of her head.  "This is basic science. Natasha, to block receptors in olfactory centre, you have to sever the nerve." She traced her finger down the bridge of Natasha's nose.  

A Shot in the Dark - Yelena BelovaWhere stories live. Discover now