десять (Ten)

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Spoilers ahead for Black Widow!

Thanks and enjoy! :)


If she was being perfectly and completely honest, she had believed in the cause in the start, at first.

At first.

After all, she had just come across the mass grave containing her entire town, including her own family, all of them, gunned down for the sake of being Slavic Jews, and the Red Room had emerged as a mid-war elite training program for the finest soldiers to take the Nazis down. And take them down they did.

She had seen red. And that was that. That was it.

She had been completely devoted to the cause, to ensuring Nazi Germany did not win. 

But then the war ended, and what to do with an elite soldier program then? And so it continued. And honestly, she had been glad. 

But then she had to watch it evolve into what it was today, what it was by the time  Natalia and Yelena had come around, that  Red Room.

And that was what they were dealing with, here and now, up close and personal.

Very up close and personal. 

She had had a choice to join up, and she had done so fully willingly. Natalia and Yelena, and countless others, did not have that choice, were not given it.  So while similar, their stories actually differed quite a lot. 

They had always kept a close eye on the Room, she and Yelena, always a close eye from afar - that is, until it disappeared completely, completely dropped from the radar, went dark.  That was not a good sign. Something was definitely stirring.

The Budapest safehouse had become their home in the meantime. It was nice to have something of theirs, something of their own, shared, together. Something to call their own. 

That morning, Sascha and Yelena headed to a market, which naturally meant fighting over who got to drive the motorcycle.

"I call driver!" Shopping bags in hand, Yelena ran up to where they had parked the bike.

"No fair, you said I could drive on the way back!"

"But who has the keys?" Yelena grinned cheekily and lifted up the ring of keys, shaking them a little while wiggling her eyebrows at the same time. 

Sascha gasped.  "You little thief!"

Yelena only laughed and jumped onto the motorcycle. Sascha laughed as well. 

When they arrived back home, Sascha noticed it first.  She noticed right away - something that hadn't been there before.

"Wait - someone was here." She started slowly, making her way into the flat. A package sat on the table in the centre, awaiting them. 

"Another message," Yelena devised.


Ever since the Room went dark, there had been a moment of relative peace for them. And then, the messages started arriving. 

From what they could gather from the cryptic and sporadic messages, there was a group of former Widows, also successful escapees, spread out across the world, who were plotting the Room's demise once and for all, for good, taking it down. Every time a step forward was made, Sascha and Yelena were anonymously alerted with the update.

Yelena inspected the package.  "A flash drive and - vials? Of something red..."

"I've never seen anything like this." Sascha inspected the vials herself. "Hmm, pretty colour.  Let's plug in the flash drive, see what it's got."

They sat together on the couch, Yelena opening the laptop in her lap and plugging the flash drive in. There was one saved file on it, that was it. Video footage, it came up with, from what appeared to be a hidden camera.

Two figures were fighting in a street, an alleyway. One was masked - that was their messenger, that much they did know - and the other was unmistakably a Black Widow - another Widow.

"I wonder who she is." Sascha nodded to their messenger.

"Another Widow."

"Clearly. But I want to know who she is and from when? And is there more than one?"

The two women were going hard at each other, relentless, brutal. When the masked woman got the upper hand in the fight, she pulled something from her pocket - one of the vials - and broke it. Some dust-like substance flew out at the Widow, and she stopped immediately. She stumbled, and the masked woman caught her before she could fall. Then the Widow glanced around, clearly confused, by the looks of it having no idea where she was or what was going on. And the clip ended there. 

"They're being controlled," Yelena cried. 

"And this is like an antidote." Sascha held up the stash of vials. "But there are hundreds of Widows out there, embedded within countries and systems all over the world. We would have to track them each down individually and deliver the antidote, and this isn't very many, so more would have to be made."

"Still, it's a step forward." Yelena removed the drive and closed the laptop. 

"If they're controlling them, they're really stepping up their game." Back in my day, we never had anything like this. Then they had relied heavily on propaganda and indoctrination, and tapped in to people's pain and anger. And it had worked. 

"да. Those poor girls, those poor women. We've got to help them," Yelena said.


The Red Room was not the same as it had been when Sascha had joined. It had grown and evolved into something horrible and brutal that needed to be stopped - and at any cost. 


Sascha had awoken in the middle of the night again, but had passed back out on the couch sometime around six a.m. When she awoke, closer to nine, Yelena was up as well, dressed and bustling around in the kitchen. A song played on the radio, her favourite song, American Pie by Don Mclean. She hummed along, dancing a little.

Sascha came up behind her, wrapping her arms around Yelena's waist and resting her chin on her shoulder.  "Доброе утро, Любовь."

"Доброе утро, дорогой. How'd you sleep."

"Eh." Sascha merely shrugged.  "The usual."

"Sascha-" Yelena was now peering out the window. 

Sascha joined her at the window. A figure was walking down the street, approaching the building - their red hair was unmistakable:


"She's found us." Yelena's gaze didn't leave Natalia. 

"да. Looks like another reunion is in store for us - I'll get the guns."

Russian Translations

да - Yes

Доброе утро, Любовь - Good morning, Love

Доброе утро, дорогой - Good morning, Dear

(Thank you so much for all the reads and comments!  Finally I can continue and finish the story now! :D The movie was really good, and I love Yelena even more now, so I'm so excited to continue this story with the movie storyline!

Thank you so much for reading and, as always, I hope you enjoyed! :))

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