Три (Three)

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Sascha had possessed many false identities in her lifetime as a spy, but she had never impersonated anyone before.  This was a first.

"How are things going so far, Princess?" Yelena said through the radio in her ear.

"You've got to stop calling me that."

"Why, you don't like it?"

"I like it too much."

Yelena chuckled and Sascha could clearly picture her mischievous smile.  "I'll keep that in mind for later."

Sascha bit her lip, Yelena's promising words sending chills up and down her spine.  "Seriously though, I need to focus."

"Yes, you do.  Didn't our trainers drill into you to never become distracted?"

"And to never have anything become more important than a mission," Sascha finished.  "That was before I met you." She rounded a corner and faced a sealed doorway.  "First security panel ahead," she announced.  She approached the screen, touching it with a fingertip, causing it to blink to life.

She had to lean down for the scanner to scan her face for the facial recognition technology. A too-bright red light flashed across her face a few times, up and down, side to side, until there was an affirmative beep. 

Princess Kalyna - Confirmed

Another scanner appeared, this one to scan her eyes. With such unique eyes, it made sense for the princess to have set up this into the security, and thankfully, Yelena had thought of everything, including the contact lenses.

This time the light, still way too bright, flashed in her eyes, until there was another affirming beep. She was in.

"That was a breeze." Ha, so much for their high-security.  Maybe this strange resemblance thing would come in handy in other ways... She might have to use it more often. "I'm in."

"Good, I'm glad, you're doing great.  Now, palace records are in the basement."

"Going down, then."


The elevator ride was smooth, but seemed to stretch on forever as it carried her down, down, down, far beneath the palace. If it went any further she would hit the underground train lines.

Finally, it drew to a halt. The doors slid open revealing another set of doors. She had to go through the whole scanner process again.   Again, she fooled the system.

These doors opened and when she stepped through them fluorescent overhead lights blinked on.

"Боже мой," she exclaimed.

A Shot in the Dark - Yelena BelovaWhere stories live. Discover now