Russian Translations:
да - Yes
Боже мой - Oh my God
It was Alexei who first suggested that she use his family name. When he first brought it up, she was touched, to say the least. She hadn't been expecting such a kind and welcoming gesture.
But then again, the family units' actions went above and beyond her expectations - and some way below.
But more on that later.
"'Sascha Shostakov' has a nice ring to it, да?" he'd said.
It did. "Makes sense, as we are the original Russian super soldiers. We're like family in a way. In that way."
Yes, Alexei could be a little self-centered sometimes, the key reason for wanting to unite the Soviet Union's two super soldiers under the same name, but she believed he was good natured, and still, like she said, she was touched. It felt a little closer to having a family again, a little closer. And it made it all the more official.
She really was one of them now.
"We could change our names to Vasilivna," she suggested. Well, in his case changing his name, and in her case changing her own name back. "The name of the original super soldier herself." She laughed when Alexei's face fell. "Just kidding, Red Guardian. Shostakov it is." Sascha Shostakov.
And since then, the name had stuck.
"Today's your lucky day, Alexei," Natasha announced through the earpiece they had slipped to Alexei in his prison mail.
It stirred up ill feelings within Sascha, being reminded of how Natalia had outright left, outright abandoned them, her family. And now, here she was again, reuniting them all. Sascha wasn't all that sure how she felt about it.
But no time to think about that, not right now - they had a prison break to orchestrate.
The prison was in the middle of a white, snowy landscape, surrounded by sprawling mountains. Even if someone managed to escape, they would have to climb the mountains in order to truly get away - the only escape was up.
"Go left - just don't make a scene," Nat ordered him. Commotion could be heard all over. "You made a scene, didn't you?" Classic Alexei. He emerged out in the open, clearly visible against the bright white of the snowy landscape in his black and red prison clothes. "We see you."
"What now?" They could see that he was looking up at them from where they were hovering above in the chopper.
"We're getting you out of here."
A Shot in the Dark - Yelena Belova
Fanfiction"It's going to be one hell of a reunion." "You think?" Surrounding the events before, during, and after the 'Black Widow' film! "The Avengers weren't my first family." "And you weren't mine." With the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the...