Одиннадцать (Eleven)

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Once again, spoilers ahead!

Thanks and enjoy! :) 

The first signs of Natalia being close by were the clicking of the lock - she was trying to break her way in. 

"I know you're out there," Yelena called from her position deep inside the flat, her voice echoing through the space. 

"I know you know I'm out here," came Natalia's reply. 

"Then why are you skulking about like it's a minefield?" 

She was inside the flat now. "'Cause I don't know if I can trust you."

Yelena chuckled.  "Funny, I was going to say the same thing."

"So, are we gonna talk like grown ups? Or are you gonna run away like children again?"

"Is that what we are?" 

"You tell me." 

Now the sisters faced each other - and each other's guns. 

"Put it down, before I make you," Yelena ordered. 

"You put yours down - watch your step," Natalia added when Yelena stumbled slightly. 

Soon enough the flat was filled with bumps and crashes as they tore at each other, slamming each other into walls and doorframes.

"Stand down!" Natalia cried in a strangled voice. But Yelena would not. In fact, this only spurred her on harder.

Guns down, Yelena grabbed a knife from the knife block and lunged at the redhead with it, luring her into the living room.

"Okay Sascha - come out come out wherever you are," Natalia urged her on. Wherever Yelena was, Sascha was never far, and vice versa. 

That was when they noticed - they paused briefly to look at Sascha, who sat lounging on the couch, feet kicked up on the coffee table, shot of vodka in hand. SHe gave them an innocent smile.

Then she downed the vodka in one gulp before hurling the glass at the redhead. Nat ducked and it shattered into hundreds of tiny shards against the wall. 

 Nat didn't have time to rise from her crouched position for Sascha was already lunging at her and throwing her to the ground, hand around her throat. 

"Okay, okay! Truce! Truce!" she choked out. "God you two are so hostile." She caught her breath, rolling over to look at both women, her gaze settling on Yelena, the only one who had changed out of the two. "You're so grown up," she said, almost in disbelief.

Yelena scrunched up her nose at the comment.  "No shit." Then she turned and stalked into the kitchen, Sascha following. 

Natalia followed them.  "You had to come to Budapest, didn't you?"

A Shot in the Dark - Yelena BelovaWhere stories live. Discover now