Oдин (One)

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София, Болгария - Sofia, Bulgaria


More bad dreams had Sascha   pacing the hotel room floor for at least half an hour in nothing but her underwear and a scratchy wool sweater

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More bad dreams had Sascha pacing the hotel room floor for at least half an hour in nothing but her underwear and a scratchy wool sweater. She was too cold, then she was too hot,  no happy medium.  She was utterly exhausted, yet wide awake.  She kept sending glances over to the bed at Yelena, the blonde sleeping safely and soundly. Sascha secretly envied Yelena's fast asleep state. 

She jumped at every sudden noise - footsteps or voices from the other rooms around them, the heater clicking on, water running through the pipes. 

She didn't need to be so worried, they were perfectly safe, for once. But she was paranoid. Always paranoid.  Always be alert, their trainers had drilled into them from a young age, and the teaching had stuck. 

Although that alertness was failing her right now if she kept jumping at everything. 

Soft, gentle arms wrapped around her waist from behind. This didn't cause her to jump.  She didn't need to glance back at the bed to know it was now empty.  "How long have you been up?" Yelena rested her cheek on Sascha's shoulder.

"Sorry I woke you."

"You didn't." Yelena nuzzled Sascha's neck. "How long?"

Sascha ran a hand over her face. "Couple of hours."

"Dreams again?"

"Something like that."

"Oh, любовь... Here, come sit." Yelena took her hand and led her over to the window seat where they sat down. Once seated, Yelena placed her hands on either side of Sascha's head, beginning to rub slow, soothing circle's on the other woman's temples.

"That's nice," Sascha commented.


Sascha reached up to take Yelena's hand and turned her head to kiss Yelena's palm. "Спасибо."

Yelena smiled, then said, "What did you see?"

"The same - just a blur." She paused, considering.  "There was something, though..."

"Go on."

"A bright flash of yellow - from a jewel, I think..." Sascha scoffed and shook her head. "But that makes no sense."

"It must mean something."


Sascha scoffed again.  "Ugh, I'm a mess."

"A hot mess." Yelena smirked.

"I'm glad you think so." She glanced over at the empty bedside table.  The little bottle was gone.  "Where are my pills?"

"I hid them."

"Lena, I need those."

"No, you don't." Yelena tried her best to keep Sascha off the medication, the other woman convinced they helped.  "You don't need them," Yelena insisted.  "I'm here to help."

"Is this going to be our whole life? You tending to me when my mind snaps back?" Sascha scoffed again. "Some life."

"At least we're together."

"Always the optimist."

"If you won't be."

Sascha leaned against the window.  "Are you sure you want this?"

"You didn't have a choice.  They  did this to you. If you think I blame you for it then I don't."

"да, but you do, have choice. I won't blame you if you want to leave.  I won't be happy about it, but I'll understand."

Now Yelena took her face in both hands, firmly, making Sascha look at her and meet her intense gaze. "Don't ever think or say that.  I'm not going anywhere."

Sascha sighed.  "I just feel like I'm holding you back."

"From what? A better life? Stop it, that's not true. My only life is with you. That's how I want it, and how I thought you wanted it, too."

"да, of course." 

"Good.  Я люблю тебя, Саша Шостаков."

"Я люблю тебя, Елена Белова. Спасибо."

"For what? Saying 'I love you'?"

"For everything."

Yelena smiled and squeezed her hand.  "Come back to bed. Try and get some rest."


Still holding her hand, Yelena led her back to bed.  "I'm right here beside you if you need me, always."

She always said this, and although Sascha believed her every word of it, she also dreaded the day when Yelena could no longer keep this promise. Not because she stopped believing it herself, but because something stood in the way, between them.  And if her vision-dreams were anything to go by, that day might just come their way. She feared it as much as dreaded it.


да - Yes

любовь - Love

Спасибо - Thank you

Я люблю тебя, Саша Шостаков - I love you, Sascha Shostakov 

Я люблю тебя, Елена Белова - I love you, Yelena Belova

(Happy New Year folks! I wanted to wait until the new year to fully start this story!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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