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3rd person view:

Mr. Tibbles's unconscious body is placed on the bench. "Hello? Mr. Tibbles?" Miss Mackay speaks out with worry in her voice. "Mr. Tibbles? Mr. Tibbles, can you hear me?" She still talks but Mr. Tibbles isn't awake.

Gordon put his hand out and put something near Mr. Tibbles's noise so he can sniff it. "Mr. Tibbles, wake up" Tibbles sniffs it and opens his eyes. "Oh, Mr. Tibbles, are you all right?" Michele says.

"Oh uh, I'll have the cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake, please," Mr. Tibbles says. Everyone starts laughing at what he said.

"I think he'll be okay. We'll keep an eye on him" Michele says and smiles.

"Oh, I'm sorry. He didn't have a chance to introduce us.

I'm Michele MacKay, their tutor" She says while standing up.

"Hi, I'm Coach Bombay, their coach," He says grinning.

Adam banks said, "Who said we need a tutor?"

Every other kid agrees and glances at each other.

"I don't need no school," Dean says. Greg puts an arm around Michele and says "Now, Miss MacKay, we're America's team here.

Shouldn't we just be concentrating on hockey? May I suggest optional attendance?" She looks down at his arm and back at him.

Everyone else agrees with what Greg suggested. "I agree," Lester said. "Well, that's not a bad idea" She states. "Call me Goldberg," He says. "Goldberg. Yes. School will be optional" She tells him.

Y/n pov:

We all start cheering. Miss Mackay however yells out over the cheers "However...However, should you not attend, you will not be eligible to play" She says killing the mood.

I hear number 18 say "Oh, that's unfair! Man, can she do that?" Welp, I guess we got school now. I was hoping for no school so I can go out and not do any school work at all. I start walking away and talk to Julie. Another girl comes joins us.

"Hey, I'm Connie," The brunette-haired girl said. "Hi, I'm Y/n, and this is Julie," I say smiling at her. She smiles back and we all start talking while heading to the locker rooms to get our gear off.

3rd person view:

"Hey, is that a tattoo? Is it real?" Lester asks Dean.

Dean responds with "Get away from me" Averman still standing there says "Yes, sir" but doesn't walk away till Dean growls at him.

Gordon and Michele walk on the ice rink talking.

"Well, I'm just here to tutor the kids and provide them with a little adult supervision," She tells the coach. They hear the breaks including a crash and look over to notice Guy, Jesse, and Fulton in the ice resurfacer. Guy says "Oh, my gosh!" "That was awesome. Are you okay?"

"Yes," Jesse and Fulton said. The three boys start laughing.

"Sorry," Fulton says putting his hands up. "Yeah sorry," Guy says. "We're okay," Jesse says to ease the mood. Gordon and Michele just look at the boys.

*next day*

Y/n pov:

Our coach tied us in a rope altogether. I was in front of Charlie and Fulton next to Averman. Julie and I both say "Somebody better watch their hands" Afterward Lester said, "Yeah, someone licked me!"

"Oh I smell something," Adam says. We assumed it was Goldberg so we all yelled "Goldberg!" with disgusted faces. "It wasn't me" He yelled. "No, it was me!" Dean states in success with his hands up. We all groan and try to move away.

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