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"Tibbles, what are we doin' here in Malibu?" asks while they were driving to a huge house with two garages and the walls are white.

"This is your new place, man. It's our way of saying 'Thank you'. "

"You take care of Hendrix, Hendrix is gonna take care of you" He continues. "I can't help feeling a little guilty. Shouldn't I be closer to the team?" Gordon says. They walk up the steps and open the door.

"Whoa," Bombay says enjoying his new place. "You know, they don't need me 24 hours a day. I'm sure they're just fine in the dorms" He says looking at the ocean view.

At the dorms (Y/n pov):

Luis, Greg, and Ken had invited me to their room to prank Dwayne. I felt a little bad at first but I decided it would be fun. Julie and Connie were all already sleeping.

All the other boys were too. Dwayne was sleeping on his back straight. 'How does he sleep like that?' I say in my head. You can hear his snores.

"Shh. Do it quietly. All right. Let me get the hand" Goldberg says. Goldberg grabs his hand very slowly without waking him up. "Hurry" he whispers yells at Ken. "I'm hurrying!" Ken whisper yells back.

"Shh! Go ahead" Goldberg says allowing Ken to put the shaving cream on the boy's hand. "Okay, that's good. Feather" Goldberg says.

Luis grabs Dwayne's hat that was hung up and grabbed the feather. He passed the feather to me and put Dwayne's hat on. I put the feather against Dwayne's face.

Dwayne moves his face a little. I put the feather again and he wipes his face with his hand that has shaving cream. We all try to hold our laughs. We keep putting the feather near his face and he kept wiping it. We all snicker and quietly laugh.

3rd person view:

Dean and Fulton drink their water. Fulton asks Dean "A little tune-age to go to sleep by?" "Yeah" answered Dean. "All right," said Fulton, he presses play and stretched. Dean turns off the light and gets into his covers. Fulton then gets into his own bed and said "sweet dreams dude" both of them going to bed.

Back to Y/n Pov:

Dwayne's blanket was full of shaving cream from his hand and his face was covered with it. We kept laughing so hard. We shook the bed a little to wake him up.

That woke Dwayne up. Dwayne looked at his hands and noticed the shaving cream on him.

"AHHHH!" He screamed and we kept laughing. His scream woke up the other boys.

3rd person view:

"What's going on?" Adam asked rubbing his eyes but started laughing once he saw the sight of Dwayne.

He then looked over to see Dwayne chasing Luis, Goldberg, Ken, and Y/n. Wait Y/n? What was Y/n doing in the boy's room? Adam thought.

Fulton was standing on his bed acting like the hockey stick was a guitar. Dean was on the floor doing the same thing. The loud music blasted and could be heard from the girl's room and the boy's room.

Fulton and Dean had a room they shared. "Yeah! Come on! Yeah!" Dean and Fulton yelled.


Dwayne had gone to the restroom to wash off his face. Luis, Y/n, Ken, and Goldberg were on the ground laughing so hard holding their stomachs. "Omg, his face was like 'AHH'," Y/n said mocking Dwayne's scream.

The boy's laughter was louder than ever. Luis then says "Y/n, I'm so glad you joined in the prank" Ken and Goldberg both agreeing.

Averman and Jesse were still sound asleep. "Wait what happened?" Asked Charlie and Guy. Y/n stops laughing and tells them what had happened now they both can't even stop laughing.

Adam is still sitting on the top bunk laughing as well and smiling looking down at Y/n. Guy had always loved Connie but he can't lie when he finds Y/n attractive as well.

"Well I better get going guys," Y/n says starting to get up. "Or else Julie and Connie are gonna wonder where I am. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. Bye," She says waving goodbye and heading out smiling to herself.

The boys just sat there looking where she had just left. "She's so cool," said Goldberg. "Yeah, she's also really nice" Ken added.

"You guys don't like her right?" Charlie asked. "What no!" Goldberg said. "She's way too good for me and besides I'm not looking for a girl"

"I mean she's pretty and all but I see her as a sister," Ken said.

"All right I thought she was pretty cute and still do but I don't man I see the way you two look at her" Luis said pointing at Adam and Charlie. Both the boys went pink. It was night and dark so they were glad no one can see their face.

"W-what?" Charlie said nervously. "I don't know what you're talking about," Adam said. "Yeah sure," Guy said sarcastically. "do you, guy?"

"No, I like Connie. You all know that by now" Guy said rolling his eyes playfully. "Yeah like you were this close kissing her," Charlie said remembering the scene they had saw when skating near the water.

"Oh shush Charlie, you see y/n?" Guy said showing a picture of her. It was a picture of the team all smiling.

"You see that hot girl right there. That's the closest you'll ever get to one" (let's see if people know where this line is from) He said in a joking way. Charlie throws a pillow at Guy. "I'm going to bed," Charlie says while the other guys are laughing. Adam was a little jealous of what was going on. He never knew Charlie had liked Y/n.


Author's note:

Hello, This is short but I have math homework so I'll try to write another chapter when I'm done.

Total words: 1002

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