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*Next day*

y/n pov:

We were now all in our USA tracksuits and were listening to the coach's speech.

"I've had a lot of big distractions since I've been here in L.A.

This is a distraction" He said holding a cut outboard of himself that has a thought bubble saying "FOR ME, IT'S HENDRIX"


"Nice haircut, Coach," Dean says. "Looks familiar," Guy said.

"I know that guy he didn't know Iceland was green and Greenland was covered with ice.," I said sounding shocked. 

Everyone started laughing even Coach. "hahaha," Gordon said in a sarcastic tone. It was mine and Gordon's inside joke now. I just give a small smile.

"This is a fire in a barrel. This is a distraction in a fire in a barrel. Any questions?" Gordon continued with his speech and put the cut outboard in the barrel. The cut-outboard started burning.

"Good job, Coach!" We all yelled and started clapping.

3rd person pov:

After that day, they had studied our opponent's moves and skills. They were going against Iceland again. Right now they were practicing their skills. Jan had put cans all towered up for Luis.

"Luis, your speed is a great weapon. Now you must learn to harness it" Jan said. Luis nodded his head. He starts skating and tried to stop but he crashed into the cans. "Whoa!" He shrieked.

They were now crawling on the floor like how you do in the army holding a gun. Instead, they  were holding their sticks.

"We need to get back to basics. That's it. Dwayne, hustle. We're gonna be a lean, mean, fighting machine." Gordon said skating around them. "Move that big butt. Go!" He yelled.

*Time skip*

They were now exercising on the treadmill. Gordon went on Goldberg's.

 "Hey, how you feelin' today, Goldberg?" Gordon said. "Lean and mean" Greg responded.

They were now on the ice in their gear practicing shooting.

"Banks! Show me something, now! That's it! Good. Good" Gordon said.

*Little time skip*

They all had just gotten back from a very nice restaurant.

"Hey, Banks, let's go!" Dean yelled. I was walking with Ken. Fulton had an arm around Dwayne. Dean had his bag with him

"Comin'. I'll be right there" Adam yelled.

Adam sits down in the locker room grabbing an elastic bandage out of his bag. "Now just think how you'd play with two good wrists," Gordon says walking in the locker room.

"Coach," Adam says startled. "It's just a little sore. I'm okay" Adam said hoping Gordon doesn't make a huge deal. "I should have spotted this sooner. Sorry, man, I wasn't doin' my job" Gordon said

"Coach, I'm fine. I can play, I swear" Adam said standing up.

"Okay, here. Let's find out" He said giving Banks the hockey stick. Adam goes in to grab it with his non-injured hand. "The other hand.

"Now rotate it" He said. Adam doesn't move the stick at all but let's go. It made a huge noise when it touched the ground.

"I have to bench you," Gordon says. "No! You can't do that" Adam says. "Adam, you could injure yourself permanently," Gordon says.

"You can't bench me. I gotta play. All the scouts are here watching me. This is my shot" Adam said. "You're young and you're gonna have plenty of shots, believe me," Bombay says trying to reason with Adam.

"But my dad's counting on me," Adam said sitting down and looking down at his hands. "I'm sorry," Coach says. Gordon sits down and sighs. 

He starts telling Adam "Hey, My dad worked a lot when I was a kid. So when he made it to a game, I wanted so bad to score 100 goals for him. I spent half the game a nervous wreck, my stomach in knots" Gordon says in a soft voice.

"That's how I feel," Adam says.

"Before he died, my dad told me that his happiest times...were watching me skate on this pond we had behind our house. He didn't need me to score 100 goals for him. He was proud of me because I was his son... and I did my best. I'm sure that's how your dad feels. I know it is" Gordon says.

Adam looks up at the coach with tears coming out of his ocean blue eyes. "Thanks, Coach" was all Adam can say. "All right. Let's go get that wrist X-rayed" Gordon said standing up and walking away with Adam close by.

*next day*

y/n pov:

We were now skating on the ice. Jans had put a wall of cans for Luis. Luis still hasn't learned to stop but I'll know he'll get better. Luis tries again but fails. "Way to get over on your edge there, Connie!

Good, Portman, good. Soft hands." Gordon says. I was passing the puck to Julie and we just kept doing that until Averman asked if he can join. We were now all passing the puck to each other and trying to make a goal.

*Another time skip*

3rd person pov:

Coach Gordon was in his office when Charlie went up to him. "Coach, I know with Banks out, we got a roster slot open," Charlie said. 

"Yeah?' Gordon asked with curiosity. "You know how I told you I'd make a better coach than a player? I did some scouting for us. Come on in!" Charlie says.

"Russ Tyler. Coach Bombay" Charlie introduces the two.

"Hiya, Coach" Russ speaks.

Gordon chuckles "Russ Tyler, huh. Well Russ, what can you do for the team?" He said. "You never heard of my knuckle puck?" Russ asked him. "Knucklepuck? No" Gordon said interested. Charlie and Russ glance at each other and smirk.


Authors note:

Hey, Hope you liked the chapter. I have a few questions

1) what is your favorite movies and shows?

2) who's your celebrity crush?

3)  if you watch harry potter or read the books what s your house?

Total words: 997

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