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*Next day*

Y/N pov:

Last night I had a lot of laughter. I just hope Dwayne doesn't avoid me for that. We were in the locker rooms getting our gear on. We have a game against Italy.

"Hey Dwayne," I said waving at him. He smiles and waves back. 'Okay, good he doesn't hate me' I say in my head. "Julie, you should've been awake! It was so fun" I tell her smiling. "I know I know but I needed my sleep," she said.

I just smirk at her and say "So, do you like anyone?" I ask her. "No, I mean some of them are cute but I don't have a crush on anyone" Julie clarifies.

I just nod my head understanding. "I had always wished I could use 'time out' like Zack Morris," I say out of nowhere.

Julie looks at me and realizes I was talking about my favorite show Saved By The Bell.

"Yeah me too so then I can time out right now and get a break from you," she says.

I look at her offended and scoff in a joking way. I start wandering away from her.

I look back "Well we got a game to win," I yell out.

"Whoo!" "Yes!" "Let's go team USA!" Everyone shouted.

"let's go!" Jullie says.

3rd person pov:

News reports were broadcasting Coach Gordon Bombay.

"It's great to be here. The guys at Hendrix Hockey have been absolutely fantastic. But I got a game against Italy, so I'll talk to you right after we win it"

"Thank you" "Thanks, Coach," said many reporters.

"Good luck, Coach," said a lady walking by.

The blond lady bumps into Gordon. "Oh. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Uh-" He says. "No, it was my fault. I was clumsy" she said cutting him off.

There was a slight pause "You're Coach Bombay," She said. "That's right," Gordon said grinning. "You play well" she continues.

"Well, thank you," Bombay says. "I mean your team. Your team plays well" The lady said.

"I-I know what you meant," Gordon said understanding. There was another pause. Gordon finally speaks again "So who are you?"

"I'm the trainer for the Iceland team. My name is Marria" Marria says.

Wolf Stansson comes from behind and starts speaking Icelandic to Marria the trainer. She starts walking away.

"Well, you have a way with the ladies. We haven't formally met. I'm Gordon Bombay, coach of Team U.S.A." Gordon tells Stansson.

"I know my competition. I know you. Yeah, but do you know the real me?" Bombay says chuckling. Wolf just looks at him. Gordon clears his throat feeling a little awkward.

"You're full of confidence. Cocky. American. I like that. It will make our triumph even more enjoyable" Stansson's words made Gordon raise his eyebrows.

"Your triumph? Lighten up a little bit. We're all just here to have a little-" Gordon starts speaking but gets cut off by Wolf.

"A little fun, right? Don't you worry. We will. We will" He says chuckling and walking away. Gordon starts walking the other way.

Sports announcer: It's been all Team U.S.A. tonight.

They lead Italy six to nothing. They've really dominated this game.

Italy with the puck across the line. D'Agistino shoots. Glove save by Goldberg.

"Have no fear! Goldberg is here!" Greg says.

"Hey, man, there was nothing on that. How about a real shot?" He continues taking his helmet off, glove, and putting them on top of the goal.

"Hey, paisan, meatballs are slowing you down? Uh, how do you say, in Italiano, "wussy"? Goldberg asks.

Number thirteen from Italy starts to slightly push Goldberg. The referee blows its whistle. "Break it up! Break it up!" The referee says.

"Goldberg!" said Gordon from the bench.

"What'd I say?" Goldberg says. The audience was now standing to see the referee was holding on to the dashboard to avoid getting hit.

Dean smashes one of the Italian players into the dashboard which causes the Italian player to smash into the referee. They had both fallen. Dean passed the puck to Fulton.

Fulton starts to get ready to shoot. Some Italian players moved out the way. Fulton has gotten a goal. Russ stands up and slowly claps impressed by Fulton. It was eleven to nothing. Y/n has made four goals. We all cheered from the stands.


Total words: 742

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