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Miller: Here to start the third period, what team is this?

It's not Team U.S.A. Yes, it is.

They've got on new uniforms.

They're wearing the logo of the duck.

I've never seen this before.

The Ducks went walking and were smiling at everyone. They were no longer Team U.S.A They were the Ducks now and proud to be a duck.

They skated onto the ice and everyone in the audience cheered.

"I've just gotten word that there is no rule against changing uniforms," The announcer says.

"Come on. This is ridiculous" Wolf says throwing his hands up.

Miller: Well, Gordon Bombay's old team was called the "Ducks" and I guess we've got the U.S.A. Ducks out there now.

The ducks were huddled in by the bench and were quacking.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!" They chanted even the crowd started to.

"Go...Ducks!" They yelled. The song "We Will Rock You" by the famously known Freddie Mercury was playing. The audience was standing and singing along but instead of Rock, it was Quack.

Goldberg skated to the goal and was dancing along.

"Buddy, you're a boy make a big noise Playin' in the street Gonna be a big man some day You got mud on your face You big disgrace Kickin' your can all over the place Singin' We will We will rock you" The song played.

Y/n in the center position pushed the boy in front of her from Iceland. Lester Averman passed the puck before he got shoved against the dashboard. Y/n now had the puck and passed it to Ken.

Miller: Germaine gives it to Wu. Wu back to Germaine.

Ken passes the puck to Guy before someone else gets it from him. Guy passes the puck to Y/n and she shoots and scores.

Germaine slides it to Y/n Y/l/n. She shoots. She scores!

Y/n Y/l/n with a lovely move in front of the net...pulls Team U.S.A. to within two goals.

It was now four to two. Y/n put her hands up in victory. "All right, you guys! Way to go! All right, Ducks!" Y/n yelled hugging Guy, Ken, and Averman.

Miller: Team U.S.A. still down by two goals. Trying to get back in it.

Shot and a diving save by Goldberg. Watch your back!

Olaf tried shooting but it got blocked by Greg. Lester gets the puck and skated behind the net. He kept skating but lost the puck.

Averman with it leads the attack. Comes right up the middle.

Averman lost the puck.

Gunnar had the puck and passed it to his friend. His friend passes the puck back to Gunnar and he made a goal.

Iceland gets it over Gunnar Stahl.

He's got an open net. He scores!

The Ducks trail now, five-to-two.

Wolf puts his fist up cheering.

They were all huddled in with Gordon and Charlie.

Y/n pov:

Charlie had a game plan. "Okay, Ducks, take a look here," Gordon says holding the clipboard. "Charlie, what are we doing here? This isn't the NBA" Lester says.

"But it's the perfect teamwork play" Charlie answered. We all look around each other and look back at Charlie. Luis, Jesse, Adam, Dwayne, and Dean were now on the ice. I was sitting on the bench hoping Charlie's plan will work.

3rd person pov:

Luis skates with the puck and passes it to Adam. Adam now has the puck and skates forward. He hits the puck back and still skates. Dwayne now had the puck. "Now, cowboy!" Charlie yelled.

"Alley-oop, boys," Dwayne said. He hits the puck high in the air. They all turn their heads to see where it goes.

 Adam had a feeling it wouldn't make it in the net. Adam started skating but an Iceland player trips him. Banks slid and right in front of his eyes was the puck going in the goal.

"wow, it worked" Y/n thought to herself. Y/n was so excited they were close. It was now five to four.

 Y/n hugs Charlie tight super satisfied with the plan. She had a huge smile on her face. She knows it was just an idea of his but it was the best one she's ever seen.

Charlie seemed to be happy this is the closest he's ever gotten to Y/n well except that one time they were tied in ropes and he fell on her. 

"Way to go Charlie!" Y/n yelled. She breaks out of the hug and looks back at the game to see if they had scored another.

Charlie just stares at her and notices her soft plump lips, her s/c was shining from the stand lights. He noticed her beautiful smile. 

He can't lie when he says he dreamed about kissing her before. He understands he's only thirteen but it didn't matter. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked away before it looked disturbing or anything.

Miller: Play continues here in the final period.

The hitting has picked up, but the Ducks are hanging in there.

However, they're still down by two goals with time running out.

Bodies flying all over the ice.

Guy was skating but got knocked over by an Iceland player. Luis had the puck now and was skating super fast.

The puck is in the Ducks' zone.

Here's Mendoza on a breakaway. He can really fly.

The speedster into the Iceland zone.

Luis was skating fast until he was in front of the goal. He stopped and the ice shaved from his Ice skates and went all over the goalie.

"I stopped," Luis said proudly of himself. "Put it in, Luis!" Gordon said sincerely.

Miller: He scores!

Luis Mendoza on a breakaway. Scores with two minutes left.

And the Ducks trail by one.

They all cheered. "He stopped!" Y/n said celebrating her friend.

"It's five-four. We are still in this. Come on, we can do it!" Goldberg says. "Russ" Gordon says kneeling by him. "Yeah, Coach" Russ answered. "Two minutes left. Can you get your shot off?" Gordon asked.

"I don't know. They're gunning for me" he says uncertainly of what will happen.

"Make it happen," Gordon says patting his shoulder. Russ puts his helmet on and skates onto the ice. Once Russ gets on the ice and gets the puck three Iceland players come and smash Russ into the dashboard blocking him.

Fulton pushes one of the Iceland boys down on the ground. The referee gets the three boys away from Russ. "Get off me, man. Get off me!" Russ said.

"Time out. Time out" Gordon said making the Time out hand gesture, "Time out!" the referee says and blows his whistle.

"Guys, come in. Come on! Goldberg!" Coach said. They were all huddled up hearing what he has to say.

"Huddle up! Listen up! This is what I wanna do"

Wolf tells his team "When 56, Tyler's on the ice, he's covered with three men. Do you understand that?" He said and his team all said yes. "Go ducks!" The ducks yelled.

Total words: 1188

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