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Announcer: Hi, everybody. This is Bob Miller along with Jacques Berman. Nice to have you with us for what should be an exciting title game tonight.

Y/n pov:

We were in the locker room all getting our hockey gear on. Adam comes walking in with his hockey stick and bag. 

"Coach," Adam said cheerfully. "I woke up and the pain was gone," Adam said excitedly and started rotating the stick. We all start clapping and cheering "Congrats" Averman said. Gordon checks Adams's wrist.

"Adam, I'm sorry, but we already have a full roster," Gordon said which made all of our faces drop. I looked over at Julie and she looks back at me. 

Russ Tyler starts to take off his jersey but Charlie stops him "He can have my spot" Charlie says walking up to both Adam and Coach. "It's what I can do for the team. Let me do it" He said.

"This is what I like about Charlie," I said and I guess Julie heard me. Her eyes went wide. Oops! I thought I said that in my head. 

I look at her and covered my mouth. Thankfully no one else had heard that. I look at her wide-eyed and mouth "no" to her. "Don't tell anyone please!" I whisper to her. She nods her head and smirks.

Adam places his hand on Charlie's shoulder and puts his head down.

"Charlie, I need you on the bench, coaching right there with me," Gordon said placing the clipboard in Charlie's hands. We were now skating onto the ice.

Miller: Now the two teams gather at their respective benches.

In their last meeting, Iceland crushed Team U.S.A., 12-one.

We were huddled in with our hands outstretched to the middle. "Heads high! Stand tall! Fly straight! U.S.A.!" Gordon yells. "All the way!" we yelled and put our hands up.

3rd person view:

Lester was in the center position.

Miller: We're ready for the opening face-off in tonight's championship game.

Team U.S.A. against Iceland.

Lester Averman will move in to take the draw for Team U.S.A.

And off the face-off, Averman gets knocked down.

The Iceland member just shoved Averman.

Iceland physically dominated the first game between two teams and they'll try to do it again tonight.

Number 2 had the puck and passed it to his teammate. 

He shot the puck and it went behind the net. Guy had gotten shoved and fell. Goldberg tries to go get it but goes back to the net when he sees Dean skating towards it. Gunnar comes by and shoves Dean against the dashboard.

Miller: Guy Germaine gets checked down in the corner.

Behind the net, Goldberg cuts it off for U.S.A.

Here comes Dean Portman.

He's hit hard into the glass by Gunnar Stahl.

Iceland out to dominate this game early.

 Puck is still in the U.S.A. zone. There's a shot from the blue line. Stick save by Goldberg. Good, save.

Number 12 had shot the puck but was saved by Greg. Gunnar trips Goldberg by the leg. Greg falls on the floor.

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