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3rd person pov:

"Okay, let's do this!" yelled a lady with short dark hair. Gordon Bombay was getting his hair fixed by the hairdresser.

The photographers put the fan on facing toward Gordon. The fan hit upon his skin and the breeze was blowing his hair. He had a hockey stick in his hand. He took a few photos with girls in hats & jerseys.

------- *time skip* --------

"Gordon, take a look around you. You gotta change your thinking" Mr. Tibbles says. "What'd ya mean?" Gordon questioned confused. "You see in this town, everybody is something other than what they really are," Tibbles says making hand gestures.

A lady in a white blouse and hair in a bun went up to them with a tray full of food. "Hi, I'm Terry. I'll be your server" The waitress said. "Terry, let me ask you a question. What do you really want to be?" Mr. Tibbles asked her curiosity.

"Really?" Terry asks. "Yeah, really" Mr. Tibbles responds.

"Head of production for a major studio," she says proudly.

Mr. Tibbles claps his hands "Yes, perfect"

"Thank you. We're done. See what I mean?" He says. Terry walks away to serve others. Mr. Tibbles continues "Everybody wants to be something bigger"

Gordon is serving some food on his plate when a man starts speaking. "Listen, all I'm saying is you could be big. I mean Costas big"

After a while, Gordon finishes his food, Mr. Tibbles walks him around and meets new people. "N.H.L. stars Neely, Chelios, and Robitaille.

Cam, Chris, and Luc, this is Gordon Bombay, coach of Team U.S.A" Tibbles says gesturing to the three men in front of them. They shake hands with Gordon and all said hi.

They talked for a few minutes. Tibbles was showing Bombay more people. "Gordon, Greg Louganis, Kristi Yamaguchi, our Olympians," He says. Kristi was wearing a dark blue dress "Hello, nice to meet you" she says smiling. Greg was wearing black dress pants and a button-up tucked in.

Gordon meets Kareem. Tibbles introduces them "Hey Kareem, meet Gordon Bombay, coach of Team U.S.A. "

Kareem shakes Gordon's hand "Hey Gordon, how ya doin'?" Gordon has to look up at him since he's shorter than Kareem "Glad to meet ya"

The same guy from earlier saying Gordon can be something big. "Coaching. Okay, two words about that: Pat Riley" Gordon stops doing what he was doing.

Gordon was now sitting outside talking with Kareem.

"What it is, it's a loafer? And we'll call it the Air Bombay loafer for kids who wanna coach" Gordon tells Kareem. "You think there's enough kids out there who wanna coach?" Kareem asked unsurely.

"Absolutely," Gordon says.

Meanwhile at BH RODEO DR. :

Lester, Greg, Dwayne, and Jesse were walking across the street.

"This don't look like no Rodeo Drive to me," Dwayne says.

"No, that's Ro-day-o Drive," Averman says back.

"You can't fool me. I saw it on the sign. It says Rodeo Drive" Dwayne says the last part slowly.

"No, see, there's an accent at--never mind," Lester says but stops himself.

"I don't get it. This is Beverly Hills. Where's all the hills?" Jesse asked.

"Where's that 90210 school? What about the Hillbillies?" Goldberg said.

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