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I was on the ice rink chatting with Julie. The other boys are joining the team as well. I met Dwayne Robertson, he's a remarkably skilled skater and is friendly. Luis Mendoza is very fast though he has difficulty stopping. Ken Wu an Olympic figure skater, is super nice and calming to hang with.

Julie and I were discussing our old hockey teams. I recognize some teenagers in jerseys that state 'DUCKS'. I see numbers 99 and 96 gazing at me. I look over at them and give them a small smile.

They grin back and I glance towards Julie and she mutters "they're pretty cute" I let out a chuckle and respond by nodding my head.

Number 99 has dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes while 96 has brown hair and green eyes.

"Tell me about my new kids" A tall guy with blue eyes and wearing a USA color tracksuit whom I believe is our coach.

"That's Luis Mendoza, He's from our Miami club. A real speedster. Incredible skater. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds, blue line to blue line" Mr. Tibbles says. Luis begins skating around while were over by the goal.

"Good-looking skater," Connie says.

"Very good-looking" "What do you think, Guy?" Says Averman to Guy.

"Shut up, Averman" Guy stated irritated while elbowing Averman in the chest. I see a ginger hair boy fall to the grown and I try to hold my smile.

"He has one minor problem," Mr. Tibbles says. I hear a yell and turn my head away from the ducks and notice Luis on the floor.

"I'd say so" I overhear a boy say. Ken, Julie, Dwayne, Dean, and I skate over to help him up.

"Are you okay?" we all ask.

"Yeah, I'm all right," Luis says.

Luis takes off his headgear saying "I almost had it that time" The ducks all chuckle. Dwayne skates to the middle wearing his black cowboy hat. "Yee-haw! How is everyone!" He speaks taking off his hat. "Y'all ready to play some puck?" setting his helmet on.

"Hey, look. It's Hopalong Gretzky" says a boy with dark curly hair and dark tan skin. The kids in the 'DUCKS' jerseys laugh.

"That's Dwayne Robertson from Austin. He's the best puck handler I've ever seen" Dwayne show's his moves and juggling the puck with his stick and foot. 'He has pretty good moves' I think to myself.

"You mean for his age," the coach says. "No, I don't" Mr. Tibbles responds nodding his head no. "Hey, this is easier than ropin' hogs! Yee-haw!" Dwayne says while skating with the puck.

Mr. Tibbles asserts "He does have a tendency to showboat"

"Wow" was all coach Gordon can say. "here's Julie "The Cat" Gaffney. She won the state championship for Maine three years in a row" Mr. Tibbles says while Julie grasps her helmet from on top of the goal and places it on.

"Well, we have a goalie. Goldberg" Gordon replies nodding towards the boy in front of the goal. "All right! Bring 'em on, man! I'm ready for this! I'm the man! I'm the man!" Goldberg states hitting his stick on the ice.

He made a grunting sound and is on the floor almost in a split form. "Uh, help" He manages to say attempting to stand up.

"Watch this," Mr. Tibbles says. I see number 18 with the last name Moreau trying to shoot a goal except Julie prevents it to go in. Moreau still tries to get the puck in the goal however Julie blocks all of them.

"Well, we...could use a backup" Coach Gordon responds. Ken skates to the middle. "Isn't that the kid from the Olympics? The figure skater?" Gordon says fascinated. "Yup. Ken Wu. What can I say?" Tibbles answers.

Ken skates in an axel movement. (thank u for the correction)

"I convinced him that hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in his hands and nobody's been able to touch him" Mr. Tibbles says dazzled.

"That's Y/n, really fast and is incredibly good," Mr. Tibbles says pointing towards me. I smile and install my helmet on. I skate around and stopped behind the ducks. "Oh yeah you may want to move," says Mr. Tibbles.

Everyone moves to the sides to see what I'm about to do. I skate to towards the goal where Julie stands in front of and I was getting ready to hit the puck. I made it look like I hit it but I just put my skate in front of it. Everyone was confused and looking around for the puck. Julie was even more puzzled. That was my chance to make a goal. I move my skate out of the way and hit the puck with my stick rough.

The puck went in the goal. Everyone shakes their head and is amazed. "whoo" everyone cheered. I felt proud of myself but when I do that move everyone constantly gets bewildered which is great cause I distracted them. (I didn't even know what to put for your move so just stick with me)

Dean put's his headphones on and steps onto the ice. "Yeah. Showtime!" Dean says. "That guy's a teenager?" Gordon says with a startled expression.

"Don't you know that Everything's on fire, yeah" Dean sings along to bone club - everything's on fire and acting like his hockey stick is a guitar and knocking over number 96. (I've been trying to find the song a while back. I'm pretty sure this is the song?)

"Uh, yeah. Hormones" Mr. Tibbles says to Gordon. The coach responds with "He's a goon"

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