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Miller: Time running out here in the third period.

The Ducks with the puck. They're still down by a goal.

They're back in their own zone.

I don't know why they're not moving it up to center ice.

They have to attack. The clock is ticking.

Iceland with a one-goal lead.

Miller: Here's Germaine in his own zone. Germaine gives it to Luis Mendoza. Mendoza goes behind the net. Starts up on the attack.

"All right! Guy, now!" Gordon yelled. Guy has the puck and passes it to Luis. Luis skates behind the net and passes it to Goldberg or should I say, Russ.

Miller: Mendoza drops it back t-to Goldberg?

He gave it to the goaltender Goldberg. Wait, it's not Goldberg.

"It's Russ" Tylers brother said sounding shocked.

"Here, take it," Lester said giving Russ the hockey stick. "Thanks," Russ said.

"The goalie!" Wolf yelled. Iceland starts skating towards Russ but was too late.

Miller: Tyler with it. Tees up the puck.

"No!" Wolf yelled. The puck went flying straight to the net. Some of the Iceland players moved out of the way fear of getting hurt. The puck went in the net. They made another goal! It was five to five.

Y/n pov:

We all skated onto the ice and were hugging each other. Right now we're having a shoot-out. Everyone in the crowd was cheering for us. We all had to skate back to the bench. Jesse was going and I was crossing my fingers hoping he makes a goal.

3rd person pov:

Number 8 Wesel was the goalie of the Iceland team. Jesse skated twice around the puck and kicked the puck lightly with his ice skates and started skating with the puck. He acted like he was skating to the right but went to the left and made a goal.

Y/n and her teammates stand up and cheer Jesse on. "Yes!!" "Whoo!" "Go Jesse!" can be heard from the audience. It was one to zero.

Player 74 Uberjavik from Iceland was skating with the puck and made a goal. The Iceland team cheers. It was one-to-one. Guy skated with the puck and made the goalie slip on the ice and made the puck into the net. "Whoo!"

It was Iceland's turn. He hit the puck approaching the net but Goldberg caught it. It was still two to one. It was now Dwayne's turn. 

He lifts the puck with his stick and bounced it a few times. It let the puck drop and tried shooting but it was caught by Wesel.

It was Olaf's turn he didn't even skate close to the net but he hit the puck and made a goal. Fulton skated and then stop. He did a slap shot and the puck hit the Goalies helmet. Wesel fell on his back.

The puck bounced off his helmet and into the net. "Way to go Reedster!" Y/n yelled. 

Fulton smiled at her and put his hands up in victory. He grabbed his hockey stick and put it like he was putting away a sword. It was now three to two.

Number 5 on Iceland had made a goal. It was three to three. It was now Adam's turn. He looked at his wrist and rotate it. 

He glanced at Charlie, Y/n, Miss Mackay, and Coach Gordon. They all nodded their heads smiling at Adam. Adam nodded his head and looked away.

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