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"Olaf!" Wolf said, "Ja!" Olaf responded and stand up.

Wolf starts speaking Icelandic to him and ended saying "Destroy!"

Olaf skated onto the ice. Connie was about to get on the ice until Charlie says "Connie, be careful out there. They're gunning for you" to warn her.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine" She said climbing over and skating onto the ice.

 Dwayne just looked at Connie and drank his water. Olaf started skating and shoved Connie into the Dashboard. She was on the floor just staring at Olaf who was laughing and skating away. Charlie was right they were coming for her.

Olaf skates past the box both Dean and Fulton stand up.

Miller: Iceland on the attack again. Uberjavik fires the puck in the corner.

Goldberg blocked the puck. The puck went against the border wall.

Connie Moreau over to get it. Sanderson has her lined up.

Connie was trying to get the puck with her stick but it was too slippery to move as well.

 "Get out of there!" Gordon yelled with his hands around his mouth to make him sound louder. Dwayne's eyes go wide when he sees Olaf storming towards her.

Dwayne grabs his rope and skates onto the ice. "Dwayne come back" Y/n and her friends all yelled.

"Yee-haw!" Dwayne said climbing over the border. " I'm comin', Connie," He said whirling around his rope. 

Dwayne threw his rope and it went around Olaf. Before Olaf can attack Connie he was pulled back by the rope. Dwayne pulled it and Olaf fell on the ground right by Dwayne's heels.

Y/n had cheered on Dwayne but Charlie, Gordon, and Miss Mackay didn't look too happy. Charlie sighed and rolled his eyes as did Gordon. 

Y/n didn't care if they were upset with what happened she was glad Dwayne did what he did.

Dwayne sends a sweet smile to Connie. Connie smiles back at him. Dwayne pulls Olaf off the ground. "Where I come from, we treat ladies with respect," He said bitterly.

Connie skated over to the two and said "Thank you, Dwayne, but I'm no lady; I'm a Duck!" Connie yelled while shoving Olaf to the ground with her arm. 

The referee blows his whistle and skates over to Dwayne. "Come on! Way to go, you little filly" and takes Dwayne away to the box.

"I'll get you for th-" Olaf starts trying to get up but stumbled on the rope and couldn't finish his sentence. Dwayne puts his arms up cheering and got put into the box. He stood on the bench and was banging his hands on the board lightly. The crowd cheered even louder.

Gordon shakes his head not believing what was happening. Charlie had 3 towels on his shoulder and the clipboard in his hand looking around.

Miller: Referee taking Robertson over to the penalty box.

What are they gonna call this penalty?

It's two minutes for roping?

That's a new one on me. We're at the end of the second period.

Iceland has a commanding four-to-one lead.

"This isn't a hockey game; it's a circus," Gordon said looking at the score. It was still four to one. The buzzer went off. The kids had gone to the locker rooms.

Y/n pov:

We were now in the locker rooms. Gordon was speaking to us.

"Did you all enjoy that?' Gordon asked with his hands in his pockets. "Yeah!" we all yelled.

"So did they, because they're still three points up and we're one period away from defeat," Gordon said. We all sat on the stools. "If we can't beat them, we might as well keep our pride," Jesse said standing up.

"yeah," we all said agreeing with Jesse.

"Jesse, that's not pride.

Sure, when Dwayne roped that big oaf, part of me cheered. But guys, I've been there.

I know how you feel. I wanted to cream that jerk that busted my knee when I played in the minors. And I really, really wanted to go after Stansson for that cheap shot. But you know what? My knee will heal. And if I become someone I'm not... if I sink to their level... well, then, I lost more than my knee. You understand?" Gordon said. We all nod our heads understanding.

"We're not goons. We're not bullies. No matter what people say or do...we have to be ourselves" Gordon said looking at each of us.


Authors note:

Sorry for the short chapter but hoped you enjoyed it. Here are some questions

1) what's your favorite color?

2) If you can have any power what will it be?

3) who's your favorite hp character?

4) Who's your crush in mighty ducks?

Total words: 882

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