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As long as there is love, there is HOPE


Yesterday had been a very long day for Aomine Daiki and his son, Daisuke. They played basketball with Akiko, Kuroko and Kagami. But for Daisuke, it is the best day of his life. Because now he knows that his dad is in love with a man that loves him, too. 

He is not like his Mom that Aomine married 5 years ago, that doesn't care about Aomine and him. He is not mad to his mom But he thank her that she didn't abort Daisuke for no reason. 

For Daisuke his mom is the biggest jerk in the history of the world and not his dad who always been there for him. Who really loves him from the bottom of his heart.. Daisuke wished that he really never found out about his mom but Aomine insist to tell him everything..

6:30 am. Aomine wake up and prepared breakfast for his 2nd grader son, Daisuke. And for the record, Daisuke is not like his father back when Aomine was still a high school student who always skipped his classes. 

Daisuke is a complete opposite of him because Daisuke is a top notcher in his class. He loves reading books (not Mai-chan's sexy magazine), playing basketball, learning other musical instruments and not getting into anyone's fights.

 Aomine is happy that Daisuke grew up very polite and kind and understandable child. But still there is still missing.. 10 years had gone by and still he can't find what is missing inside. He loves Daisuke and his friends and family. 

Wait, love?? Is that what is missing?? Love of whom? Tai-ga. 

That's right the love and care of Kagami Taiga. But what will he do? It is obvious that Taiga hates him now. He better do something before it is too late. Something that can bring back Taiga to his life.

After eating breakfast he, dad helped me to wear my torso, didn't you know, that today is Kuroko-sensei's wedding with Aunt Momoi. Dad were very excited for the both of them. They wanted it to be perfect. 

The first one didn't went so well, so, after a long time they re-schedule the wedding for them and this one will be perfect for the young. Well, not so very young couple but a beautiful and loving couple.

They went to the church immediately after they suited up. Daisuke saw Akiko in her powder blue gown and floral hair dress. 

She is so beautiful and he is stunned by her beauty. Like the Goddess Aphrodite who lured every mortals to her beauty, like Helen of Troy who launched a thousand ships because of her beauty. He felt like seeing an angel who fell from heaven and he met her here in front of the church just like a dream come true.

Aomine smiled at Daisuke's impression to Akiko. He admit to himself that she is indeed beautiful than the other girls in this wedding. He felt like seeing Daisuke looks like falling in love to a blue eyes girl. He just laughs at his son hallucinating at her beauty.

The weddings and everyone gather around to march. As they march, Aomine saw this familiar lady..

Oh. Oh. Oh!

He smiled and shook his head and turned to Daisuke that's still blushing looking at Akiko. He is contented of what Daisuke become. An honorable gentleman. Hahaha. It's his turn to walk the aisle. He smile widely and winked at Tetsu. 

 Well, he thinks to himself while walking the aisle when will be the time that he will be the one who is standing in the altar and Kagami is the one who is walking in the aisle smiling at him. He sat down and looked at the cross that's looks like looking at him like a beam and asking him. 


He smiled at the cross and murmured When the time comes. But when that time comes, will he be ready?

After the ceremony, they went in the reception and eat. The party starts but before that they make a list of grooms men and brides maid that will dance of the dance floor. They picked randomly but not randomly for Kagami and Aomine.

 Kagami tsk. 

 And Aomine just laugh and shook his head. They will be the last one who will dance on the dancefloor that means they will be partners. They didn't have any choice because they don't want to screw this wedding up. 

  This ain't funny, Kuroko. He muttered. 

Kuroko thumbs up and he looked at Akiko that is having fun with Daisuke's company like he used to with Aomine. He looked at Aomine and they start to dance in the tune of High School Musical.

"Highschool Musical?" Aomine looked at Kise like his going to murder him. "What!?! It is famous in America." Kise whined. 

"America my ass.." Aomine muttered. And starts to dance. He step forward, Kagami step backward, he step sideward, Kagami step sideward. They dance like no one is looking. Akiko is happy for his dad. Daisuke tsk and thumbs up Kuroko.

After the dance everyone clapped their hands, "Aominecchi, you're like a dancing machine" Kise yelled. Kagami blushed reddishly and turned away when Aomine said out loud.


He gasped turned around and found Aomine smile. His sweetest smile. Tears fell down and he pushed himself to Aomine's embrace and kissed him on the lips.

And again everyone clapped their hands and cheered for them.

Late UD.. Hope you like it.

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