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One More Time


It had been 3 years since Kagami was gone in my life. And man! I always put in many fights! But I will never forget everything that happen that night... That night...


The night after their graduation in highschool. Kise invited them to have a party in their house. Everybody were having the time of their lives except for two people.

Aomine: What the hell? There is no way you meant everything, Kagami!

Kagami: I'm sorry but I really need to go! I'm really sorry!

Aomine: Three years had passed and you never tell me about this?!

Kagami: Calm down, Amonine!

Aomine: I can't calm down!

Kagami: Just calm down and let me explain!

Aomine: Go, tell me everything! And then maybe, I'll calm down!

Kagami: My father said that after I graduated, I would study in America and leave everything here... including you. I... I will have a normal life there as a normal person... and hopefully, I can also find a normal relationship. Not like this, Aomine.

Aomine: Normal?! What do you think of our relationship? Isn't this normal?!

Kagami: Stop yelling, for Pete's sake! It is normal for those people who understand. But not everyone undertands what we have for each other... not my father. So please...

Aomine: So, that's it? This is the end of it?

Kagami: What the hell are you saying?! I'm not ending our relationship!

Aomine: Are you making a fool out of me?!

Kagami: No, Aomine.

Aomine: You're the one who said when I decided to go to Osaka, that you are scared of having a Long Distance Relationshit! And I promise you that I will never go far away from you so you won't be scared. I even promised to stay... forever. But look, what the fuck are you doing right now?

Kagami: This is my father speaking right now, Aomine! This is not about you and our damn relationship! It is about my father and me! You are dealing with my father! And knowing him, when he decided for something and it was final, it will never be changed!

Kise: Guys, guys! Please, stop yelling! Just take a deep breath? Aominecchi? 



Kuroko: Kagami-kun?

Kagami: EEEK! The hell Kuroko, don't scare me like that!

Kuroko: Kagami-kun, Kise-kun... and Aomine-kun left already.

Kagami: Where did he go?

Kuroko: He went home.

Kagami: Aomine...



One look at you; my whole life falls in line. 

I prayed for you; before I called you mine.

I can't believe it's true, sometimes.

I can't believe it's true.  

I get to love you, it's the best thing that I'll ever do.
I get to love you, it's a promise I'm making to you.
Whatever may come; your heart I will choose.
Forever I'm yours, forever I do.
I get to love you, I get to love you.

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