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There is no forever!

Kagami POV

I woke up this morning thinking that yesterday was only a dream. When I felt like my bed is moving and it is tanned!?! When the fuck my bed is being tanned!?! I fully open my eyes and saw myself naked. But trouser is on. 

And looked at my bed and it has nipples. What the-?! I shooked my head and my bed just stood up and looked at me with his blue eyes. I didn't remember buying this bed having eyes. And it laughed too. 

 What the-? When it suddenly talks, "Are you okay, Bakagami?" I shout and get off this bed and went to the door. "W-Who the f-fuck a-are y-you?" I ask him. "Baka, Aomine. You think I'm a fucking bed!?! Are you hallucinating again?" he answers me. 

"Aomine? " I asks again. He nod and went to the bathroom. I sat on my bed, I'm Dreaming. I'm dreaming. Slapping my left and right cheeks. This can't be right! I can't be in Japan!?!


We broke up but still I'm drinking the brewed coffee that he loves. Ah! Years passed. I miss him. I wish I can be with him like right now. I'm going back there in Japan. 

But with someone that I don't think that he will like. What the hell is he doing now?? I wanna know how's his been doing. If he is alright. If he is eating well. If he's still love me or rather the "old" me. I miss him so much. I wished I can be with him this instant.

*You got mail!*

Same ringtone ha?? I still can't move on. I opened my phone and found that I have a suprised mail from Kuroko, Kise and Momoi.

Message: 5:30 am
Subject: International Message

How have you been doing, Kagami-kun?? Can't wait to see you after all this years. Aomine -kun is fine but. I don't know if you want to know. So, I am not telling you. Have a happy safe trip.

What!?! That little bastard! Why he doesn't want to tell me!?! So , I rather read Kise's message and it is just them like Kuroko. Telling me what I need to know and them backing up! Come on! I read Momoi's message it is different but she seems worried at Aomine.

And then, my phone rang again and it is from.. The fuck!?!

Message: 6:30 am
Subject: Message

Ahomine Daiki
Hi! I am Aomine Daisuke! Nice to meet you! Can I know if you are a real tiger that have marks all over your body. Have claws and sharp teeth and you ROOOOAAAARRR!!!?? Answer me if you have time. Ciao!

Aomine?? Daisuke??

When the hell Aomine has a little brother or rather than big brother!?! I really don't when?? Because all I know that he has a little sister. I didn't know he had little brother too.

My phone rang twice more and it's from him again. I quote...

Time:7:00 am
Subject: Message

Ahomine Daiki

It's me again. If you are Kagami Taiga that my dad was talking about nice to meet you. My name Aomine Daisuke. My father is Aomine Daiki. My mom is dead. But I heard from Kuroko-sensei is that dad was in love with you before. I want to meet you soon. Good day!♥♡♥ ~Daisuke

Son!? Since when? And who is the fucking girl? Wait. Why the hell I am jealous?! Oh! Fuck this shit! I'm outta here!


Technically that's what happens. I heard the shower stops dripping and I heard the door opened. I cover my face using the covers. I heard him chuckles. I miss those chuckles. I really hope that everything was not a dream. Because I'll be really pissed off if it was.

Suddenly I heard someone shouting my name. "Dad! Wake up! I know that today is Saturday but I am freaking hungry! You've been lying there for the whole time! Wake up!!!" she said. "Akiko?" I asked. 

"Hm?" she answered me. And then I asked again. "Are we in Japan?" She laugh so fucking hard! What did I say something wrong? "You're so funny as ever, Dad! We are not in Japan! We are here in America! Are you dreaming again, Dad? Is it Daddy Daiki again? You really can't get over him, huh?" she said. 

"I know that it is really hard in accepting that he is now dead. But at least Daisuke is with us. So get yourself out of the bed and cook us some food, okay? Good Morning!"

And then she went out of the room and I'm still sitting and can't believe that he is gone. How can that be? How did he die? And why?

Hey guys! sorry late UD but i hope you enjoy

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