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First Night With You


Warning: Mature Content. Read at your own risk.

It has been three days ever since I cried because of Kagami and never spoke any word to him. Tatsuya, Murasakibara, Kise, Akashi, Kuroko and Satsuki visited my house today... Well, we... Kagami and I are a bit surprise but Kagami managed to let them in.

I decided to go to my room and I was planning to just go to sleep when Kuroko went to my room and woke me up. We talked about basketball when the conversation suddenly changed and now, we are talking about KAGAMI.

"So, how was it?" he asked me first. I just stayed in silent.. "Aomine-kun?" he asked again. I just can't help but to bow my head.

"Aomine-kun... are you alright?" Tears... just suddenly fall out of my eyes...

He hugged me sideward... Tears just don't stop! I can't help but to cry to him like an idiot kid. "Hush now, Aomine-kun... Everything will be okay. Aomine-kun... Maybe he's not just... just the right person for you."

"But it has been years now! I tried to forget about him! But I can't!" I said. "Why not?" he asked, confused.

"'Cause... 'cause,"

"I love him! I love Kagami Taiga more than I love anyone else, Kuroko! I can't let him go! I don't know what to do everytime I see him crying like that; having so many problems! Just like he was carrying the whole world! I don't want to see him suffering just because of TATSUYA! I want to be a part of his life!" I yelled at him. I just can't contain the feelings I have kept inside. It hurts. It damn hurts.

"I don't want to be a nobody to him, Kuroko. I want to be his rival... no more." I whispered.





I went to the living room to ask Satsuki if where were Kuroko and Aomine. She said that Kuroko went to Aomine's room. So, I went there. I was about to knock on the door when I heard Kuroko.

"I love him! I love Kagami Taiga more than I love anyone else, Kuroko! I can't let him go! I don't know what to do everytime I see him crying like that; having so much problems! Just like he was carrying the whole world! I don't want to see him suffering just because of TATSUYA! I want to be a part of his life!"

It felt like my heart just stopped! And for a moment, I didn't know what to do! I was so hesitant to knock on the door and call them for dinner.

"Kuroko, Ahomine! Dinner is ready! If you don't come down now! There will no left for you, I swear!" Aomine answered just like nothing happen inside there. When he open the door, I am smiling at them. A wide smile. Kuroko just laugh and Aomine. Well... No reaction!

While we are eating our dinner, we are kinda noisy... Satsuki is very excited for her upcoming wedding in two days! Yeah, I almost forgot about that! I looked at Aomine. He is just eating his meal quietly when I kicked him under the table. He face me with a shocked face! I laugh at him.

"Taiga, I'm going back to LA. Are you coming with me?" 

"I'm sorry. But I can't! I am going to be busy with a lot of things here so... Maybe you should go first." I answered Tatsuya.

"What kind of things?" he asked me again.

"Confession." I answered.

Everyone looked at me and I just laugh. After we ate our dinner, our visitors go home. Aomine and I are the only people left in the house... again. I'm washing the dishes when suddenly, he hugged me from the back, and sighed on my neck. 

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