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Ask her to tell the story, BACKWARD style

Kagami's POV

I wanna know how my husband died. How Daiki died. Did someone killed him? Did someone tortured him? I wanna know what happened to him after he serviced us to the airport. I wanna know everything! 

How am I supposed to know if even the Generation of Miracles themselves don't know what happened to my husband? This is fucking serious! Am I the last one who knew that my husband is now a corpse? A cold lying corpse on a cemetery near the temple! How can I~? Wait! Where is my fucking phone? Oh! There it is! Axy.. Axy.. Axy.. AXY! Calling...

"Hello?" ~AXY

"Hey, how are you? It's me, Taiga."

"Oh! Hi, dude! Long time no see! Why do you call? Something happens?"

"Kinda." ~Taiga

"Tell me about it."~ Axy

"It's my husband.." ~Taiga

"Aomine Daiki? What happened to him?"~Axy

"My friends from Japan told me that he is dead now. But they don't know if he commits suicide or what" ~Taiga

"Okay. What can I do? Is there is a prime suspect?" ~Axy

"Yeah. Aomine's ex-wife. Mother of Daisuke."~Taiga

"Okay. I will help you to solve this crime. Where are you anyway?"~Axy

"I am in Japan right now. She is in custody of the police now. Please hurry. I really need your help. Because, I can feel through my spine that she is lying to us. To the authorities. Her name is Aomine Yuri. Please help me." ~Taiga

"I will. I will help you. We will solve this. Don't worry. When I get there, she will say everything and tell us everything how your husband died. That's a promise, Taiga. Cross my bloody heart with a samurai sword. Okay? Now, calm yourself down. I'll be there tomorrow. Bye." ~Axy


I know from the bottom of my heart that Yuri is lying to me about Aomine's death. She thinks that we are easily fooled. That's a big NO.

"Mr. Taiga, would you like to speak to Mrs. Yuri for the last time before we let her go?" asked the officer. Let her go! What the fuck are you thinking?! "Can she stay until tomorrow? A friend of mine would like to speak to her tomorrow." I said. 

He just nod his head and tell that to Yuri. "You really don't give up, do you? You motherfucking slut! Go to hell! You're the one who killed Daiki and not me! And he will never be your husband. Because he is mine!! And mine only!" that's what she said before they shut her down and closed the noise proof door.


The next morning I, myself, went to the police station and I saw Axy was already there. Talking to the head police officer. And they suddenly nod and agreed to her. She looked at my way and smiled. She walked to me and said,

"She plead guilty to first degree murder and sentence to death penalty after serving 25 years in prison without parole. She is the one who personally killed Daiki after she knew that Daiki married a man like you and chose you over her. She wants Daisuke back but Daiki refuses her and she shot him in the body and head. 

That's what killed him. He left him in his apartment near the fire station bleed to death. The autopsy said that he was shot 32 times in the body and 2 shots in the head. And before he shot him, he was tortured because one of his finger is missing especially the ring finger on both arms, he was gang raped and sexually assault and them shot him. 

She brutally killed him just to get revenge of you. And everyone else. I don't know who is that everyone else." I am crying while she is stating what happened to Daiki. I knew it! She is the one who killed him! My poor husband! Why did these things happened to you? I missed you. But what did she do to get Yuri admit the crime? 

"Hey Axy!" I yelled. "What?" she replied. "What did you do to get Yuri admit everything?" I asked. "Just ask her to tell the story backwards. And she will change her story and admit everything." she said. "Wait! Just like that?" I asked. 

She nods and whisper something to me, "I already order some of the men to buried your husband peacefully in a cemetery. With some flowers and a tombstone in it. May h rest in peace now." and gone. Out of my sight.

Now, I am just happy that he is in heaven peacefully with the angels above. I pretty sure that he will looked after us everyday.


Days, weeks, months, years had passed and every death anniversary of Daiki, Taiga will offer him some teriyaki burgers and sang him their theme song. And laughed beside him in his every story of their everyday life and struggle to forget his death and have a happy and peaceful life with and without his husbands presence. 

But in his everyday visit to Aomine's grave. There is someone who looks over him every single day. Wherever Taiga goes, there is this shadow who follows him. Not his shadow everyone. But someone else's shadow. Who could've this be?


Find out!

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