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Have You Been in Love?


As days passed, Kagami decided to live in my house for the meantime. He really needs to take a rest and have some fun with his friends. 

But the problem is, he didn't want to go out. He never wanted to leave me, and instead of having fun, he's treating me like his boss. I never want that, you know.

"Aho, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked me with a worried face. I just laughed at him and muttered, 'Baka'. He looked at me with a smile on his face.

"I really liked it when you're calling me Bakagami," he said. I just smiled at him and walked away.

I went to my room and jumped on my bed. I closed my eyes. I suddenly felt someone sat on my bed. When I opened my eyes, I saw Bakagami, sitting next to me. He looked worried.

"What is it?" I asked him, he looked at me and started to cry. "Tatsuya... Tatsuya..." he whispered while crying.

"Hush, it's okay. Everything will be okay, I'm here. Don't worry." I told him. But he never stopped crying. And it irritates me... so, I slapped him on his face really hard. He was really shocked and I just smirk at him.

"Hah! Okay, I'm sorry. But can you please calm down, Baka? You cry like a baby! And it irritates me! So stop crying! Geez!" I yelled at him. He then stopped crying. Good. I smiled, it worked!

"Aho?" he said. I looked at him. He seems really worried. I never thought Bakagami would have so many problems. I met him as a happy-go-lucky guy. And now... look at him.

"Hmm?" I answered. "Have you been in love?" he asked. What?! What kind of question is that huh, Bakagami? Wait-what? And that's when that stupid question strike me. Have I been in love? Hell yeah! And I think its complicated... 'cause... uhmm.

"Aho? Have you been in love?" He asked again. "Yeah..." I answered him. He seems so shocked. What? Was I forbidden to fall in love?

"Really? So, how is it?" he said with a bit of excitement on his face. "Well, it's complicated." I answered him.

"Really? Why?" he asked me again. "'Cause it's a... uhmm... one-sided-love. At first I thought, it's just my imagination. But HE starts to grow and grow inside of me... inside my heart." I answered him again.

"He? So you're in love with a guy?" He let out a gasp. I looked away.

"Y-Yeah.." I nodded.

"Yeah me too. But it's really hard 'cause he... uh... kinda knew it.." he said and was about to cry.

"Don't you ever dare to cry, Bakagami! or I will kiss you!" I yelled at him... and I felt my cheeks blushed when I realized what I've said.

"Uh... ano... I didn't mean it... uhmm." He cut me and said, "It's okay... so, Ahomine... You wanna play? Basketball in the abandon court?" I grinned at him. He definitely know the answer to that.


When we arrived at the court, we saw Tatsuya together with Kise, Kuroko and Murasakibara. My heart starts pounding heavily in my chest. I'm about to cry when AHOMINE snatched the ball from my hand and run over the court and dunk it.

"One point for me, BAKA!" he shouted. I smirked at him and said,

"I wasn't even ready, Ahomine! Stop cheating you, dumbass!" I yelled at him and went inside the court. He passed the ball to me and I caught it. And then he came to me and whispered, "One-on-one. If I win, you will be my slave for a week." I grinned at him.

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