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Can Ahomine Dance?


Third Person

After they played basketball yesterday, Akashi called Aho about Murasakibara, that BAKA! Hahaha, he took it seriously. He believed that Aho might tell Akashi that he was with Tatsuya yesterday.

Murasakibara thought that Aho would tell Akashi about what happened and who was with him yesterday. Hahaha! Poor, Murasakibara... Hah, that BET! Aho must not take that seriously. He was kinda embarrassed himself and really sounded disappointed.

Urgh! He hoped Bakagami didn't heard him sounded like that! He's having these worries when his phone suddenly rang... Huh? Satsuki?

"Moshi moshi?"


"Oh, Satsuki! What now?!"

"Well... uhmm... well..."

"Can you just spill it out?"

"Okay... It's about our wedding."

"Okay, now what?"

"Well... Can you dance?"

"That was a great conversation. We should repeat that someday."

"Dai-chan, this is important to me! You are one of the groomsmen, and you should know how to dance!"

"Why me?" He groaned and pretended that he wasn't hearing every word that she say. "It's not like I'm the one who's getting married!"

"But you're an important part of the wedding and I want everything to be perfect! You have to dance too, after all!"

Of course she wanted everything to be perfect. She was marrying the Kuroko Tetsuya, anyway. The man she had been in love with since her middle school days. It was the day she always had dreamt of, wearing a beautiful dress with perfect make-up, walking up the altar to get to her real-soon-now husband.

Every one of their friends were invited as well as their family, and she definitely didn't want anyone to spoil her big day; not even her best friend. 

Aomine stayed silent, hoping Momoi would just leave him alone and let him sleep. He could already feel the tiredness engulfing his body after all, and he wanted to give in to this feeling.

"So that's a no, I assume?"

And even though Momoi knew that, she asked anyway. "How about you take lessons?"

"No," the blue-haired immediately answered.

"But I already asked someone."

"You did what? Who?" the tanned man shouted. Satsuki suddenly just giggled over the phone and Aomine knew that it was a yes, oh man! He was screwed!

The next day, Aomine meet up with Satsuki at the dancing hall..

"I'm going to kill you, Satsuki," was the first thing Aomine said as they entered the big hall where the wedding should occur because the one to give him dance lessons was the Kagami Taiga he had a crush on for years, and the only thought spinning in the tanned man's head was whether to hide or runaway. 

The pink-haired leaned into her friend and lay a hand over her mouth so no one could hear her reply. "But you like him, don't you?" 

"That makes it even worse, idiot!"

Aomine's harsh reply came out almost immediately, and he hoped the red-haired hadn't heard them. It seemed like Kagami was about to change from his sneakers into his dance shoes as he crouched down on the floor and rummaged inside his big sports bag. 

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