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I will always love someone like you, forever


One Saturday afternoon, Taiga decided to go to the cemetery earlier so that he can offer some teriyaki burger to his late husband. Daiki died for almost 15 years now. But he still miss him. He can't shake him off of his mind. He loves him very much. 

He can't such a thing to help when he needed him there. He's been thinking of moving on just to forget his beloved one but every time he ask Kuroko to help him, memories of Daiki kept coming back. 

He admitted now to himself that he stills stuck in the love string that Daiki made when he still alive. He turn down the faucet and wrap a towel on his waist and walked out of the bathroom. He went to the drawers to get some fresh clothes when he notice two kids standing by the door, all dressed up. 

He looked at them puzzled when Daisuke spoke, "We are coming with you. You can't just leave us here. Papa will be mad if you did that." And he smiled at me. I smiled at him back and said, "Okay you can come but in one condition." they both tilted their head to the left like a two kittens. 

"You need to bring one of your father's undies. Like dirty undies." I said, giggling. And try to stop myself from laughing hysterically. "You want us to do what?" Akiko asked. "I want you to bring one of Daiki's dirty underwear." 

I said preventing my laughs to come out of my mouth. "So you wants us to dug our own father's grave just to get his underwear?! Are you out of your fucking mind!?" Daisuke blurted out. 

I started laughing hysterically when I saw him pouts. "Okay let's do this properly. I want both of you, get all the teriyaki burgers in the table and pack it all up. Okay?" Wiping my tears away. They both nod and went to the kitchen. 

Taiga was left alone again, he grabbed the first shirt he sees and realize it was Daiki's favorite black with red stripes one the side shirt. It was look like the Seirin's jersey in the Winter Cup. He looked at his self in the mirror and mouthed, 'I am Aomine Taiga.' And left the room quietly. And of course he wears his favorite pants that Daiki bought for him.

After 2 hours drive, they got to the cemetery. It is peaceful there and no one will bother except for the dead who was living in there. As they went towards the sidewalk where Daiki's grave was stood.

A man dressed in black jacket, standing in his grave. Taiga gasp and grab the kids and they hide under a tree 2 meters to his Husband's grave. They can see his face but not so clear. He decided to look again and boom. 

There. He saw. 

A tan man standing to his Husband's grave looking down and smiling. Taiga wants to know who he is but he is to scared to what the man can do if they bothered him. He inhale carefully as what he will do next surprised him. He looked again and the man looking back at him. He didn't know what to do. 

He will fight or he will flight? 

His body just glued to where he is standing. He can feel the kids are getting more scared than him. He peaked again and the man is gone. He sigh for relief but then he felt like something is wrong, they approached their Papa's grave and he felt like someone is watching over them. 

He took the courage to ask the man, "Who are you? Come out. We are not here to bother or hurt you. We just want to visit my husband's grave. You can show yourself. Plus, we are just the only one here." 

There is no answer. 

It feels like talking to a ghost. He sighed again then, "Taiga. Long. Time. No. See." the voice is kind of familiar. He turned around and it surprised and it was his most perfected decision ever made. He was there standing in front of them. 

No missing finger, no gunshot wounds, no break bones, was his death just for a show? Many questions popping to his mind. 

"Baby, don't look at me like that. Even the kids are not surprised that I am still alive. I'm sorry if I had to fake my death. I am sorry if I lied to you. It is because I was recruited to be in the military to fight against the terrorists, well even though I am not a soldier, they still wanted me though. 

I did that fake death of mine cause I don't want to see you suffers while I am fighting for our country against the terrorists. I am sorry that I left you with the kids. Everybody knows that I faked it. 

Everybody knows that I am still alive. Everybody knows how much I love you. Even Axy and the kids knows about it. I mean this. I am sorry for being not-so-good husband to you. But I can always say I love you every night when I am still in Afghanistan.

I love you, my baby. I hope you can forgive me from all of this. Please give me a chance to be with you and the kids. I love you, Taiga." Saying those words while tears falling from his eyes, it felt like heaven for Taiga just seeing him standing tall and proud. He misses him so much.

So instead of answering him, he kissed him hungrily like no one is watching and hugged so tight and never letting him go. Ever. 

They went home that day and Taiga remembered that tomorrow is Daiki's 36th birthday. 


Time fly so fast but when his love of his life is there with him. He will forget about time.

Those dreams he dreamt of losing him now all gone because he know now that Daiki wouldn't go anywhere but here in their home with their little family.

They went upstairs and cuddled, kissed and fucked. When Daiki said, "I am home, my love." Taiga answered, "Don't ever leave me again, babe." "I will never leave you again. Cause I will always love someone like you, forever.."

This is where happy endings, ends. See you again. Take care.!

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