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First Time


Third Person

After Ahomine attend his dance lesson, they both go home together with Tetsu and Satsuki... They talked about the wedding and basketball. When they reached the store where Kagami is working a part time-job, they bought some foods. 

Aho and Baka both headed home first and left the couples in the store... While walking, they're still not talking with each other after Ahomine kissed Bakagami... When they reached home, Ahomine ran into his bedroom and locked the door. While Kagami himself, let out a big sigh. His face, red as tomato. 

He's never been kissed like that before especially from his rival.. AOMINE DAIKI! He has been fooled by those two couples! He knew it from the start what Kuroko has planned this day! He admit it that Kuroko is the only who knows Kagami's long time crush! 

But he didn't expect that he would do something like this! He don't know what to do... He had been in love with Tatsuya and kissed by him many times but now, when he kissed Aomine, he felt different... different from the feeling he has felt when he was with Tatsuya.

The feeling of Aomine's soft lips! Its incredible! But still, he is a bit of embarassed 'cause... well, because he's embarrassed. That's all.

We left Satsuki and Tetsu in the store and walked home, but silence is all over the place. After we've kissed in the hall, he started not talking to me as if I didn't exist. He really feels embarassed of what he did!

Am I really that attractive? Or he just thought that I was Tatsuya? Maybe, he just thought that I was Tatsuya. But that was quite... impossible. When we reached home, I immediately had the urge to run to my room and lock the door. 

I don't know what to do! Why am I feeling these emotions? I dunno, too! Hah! I might just sleep and stop thinking these problems. Yawn... So sleepy.

After I managed to stock all the food Aomine bought, I went to my room... thinking of all that happened these previous days. Man, yesterday, I finally met Tatsuya again and played one-on-one with Aomine. 

I won! He's voice is a bit disappointed not because of the points but because of the bet. And I still don't know why... Is it a big deal to him? Urgh! I really don't know what to say that time. Did I do the right thing or the wrong move?

And now, today, I kissed him and he kissed me back. And that feeling I have when his lips are on mine! Oh so soft, so tasteful, so delicious! Am I being a pervert now? What can I do?! He is my long time crush and that was my first kiss from him!

Yes! Before I fell in love with Tatsuya... THE ALMIGHTY AOMINE DAIKI is my first love and my long time crush! At first I thought it's just my imagination but when the time passed, I realized that I have a crush on him, long time!

But still I kept this feeling except to Tetsuya! He figured it out and was the first person to know. I can't sleep... Maybe, I-uhh-better go to his room and clear these things out! So, I made up my mind!

I open the door and heard him groan... I watched him as he turned while he was sleeping. I went inside his room and sat beside him in his bed... I watched him sleep until he turnedin my direction... I can see his full face,

I can't help but smile... I kissed his forehead and say good night. When I was about to stand, he grabbed my hand and say, "Kagami, omae wa isukida.."

I gasped... I'm stunned! I just suddenly lost my words. What did he just say? He-he loves me? I just stand there no what to do. Am I going to runaway or just stand there until the morning comes?

I silenty removed his hand from my hand and quietly and get out of his room.

I'm busy sleeping when I heard the door open. So, I guess that Kagami couldn't sleep. I go back to my sleep when suddenly, he sat in my bed and as I turned to his direction, he planted a kiss on my forehead and said good night.

But before he walked away, I grabbed his hand and said, "Kagami, omae wa isukida." I felt Kagami's hand again removing my hand from his wrist and walked out in my room...

I opened my eyes and tears just keep on sprawling from my eyes. I can't help but cry. This... this is the first time I cried because of Kagami. And it probably would be the last.

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