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𝟶𝟹/𝟷𝟼/𝟸𝟷 𝟼:𝟺𝟽 𝙰.𝙼.

since everyone else in the house was sleep and simoné was awake from nausea, she decided to go ahead and take her tests then

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since everyone else in the house was sleep and simoné was awake from nausea, she decided to go ahead and take her tests then. after repeating the same throwing up cycle she went through last night, once she was strong enough to go downstairs she carefully drunk two ice cold bottles of water. after, she waited ten minutes before going to grab the bag with the three new pregnancy tests.

she sighed as she sat down on the toilet and began to take the tests. she was nervous but hoped for either answer, if negative she was just gonna be happy and hope for the chance again in a few years time. if positive she was going to prepare for this new life she and rakeem had created.

she knew this time she was going to do her best and take ur all in one day at a time, accept her mistakes and do her absolute best at being a mother to not only this baby, but to laveah. she waited another ten minutes before she checked the test, using her phone and having some more water to pass the time. every chance she got she would have some water, she needed as much fluid as she could get.

it was time, the timer on her phone went off. she was anxiously tense, she wasn't prepared for the results at all. she slowly looked away from them and pulled out her video app, she began to record before she looked at them alone. "today.. is may eight twenty, twenty-one and around seven fifteen in the morning. i am simoné wallace, taking a tests for my second child. on the verge of tears right now so bare with me guys." she said before slowly peeking at the test. a long strain of happy yet nervous tears fell from her eyes, her hand with her phone in it began to shake.

she gasped, and smoothed her hair back with her empty hand. a moment of silence went on as she took in the rare emotions and thoughts, she was really pregnant. another life she had created, it was so much to take in. "so, as you can see the tests are positive. i honestly couldn't be so in aw and happy at the same time, when daddy wakes up we'll tell him everyone!" she said with a chuckle at the end, she turnt the camera to her face and wiped a tear before grabbing one of the tests and holding it up with a smile.

"well there we go! baby ellis number two, late twenty twenty-one or early twenty twenty-two shit i don't know!" she said, giggling as she turnt the camera off. she sat her phone down and stood up in the mirror, she lifted her shirt and pulled her shorts past her belly. she gently embraced it as she admired in the mirror, it was visible but she knew her little one was in there.

she went downstairs to have some yogurt and sausages for breakfast, she had more water along with it. after she finished she took some nausea medicine and went back to sleep. she woke up to the sound of a loud speaker and random loud babbling sounds that seemed as if they were being hit against a microphone.

she quickly went downstairs to see what was going on, she was shocked when she saw laveah on top of a mini box stage with a small microphone connected to rakeem's party speaker. "BAH BAH LAA" laveah shouted into the mic while rakeem danced next to her.

"yeah ay ay, y'all hear my girl good? she said bah bah la, y'all better listen we finna mess this track up!" rakeem said as he flexed his chains. he picked his microphone up and talked into it. "it's me, keem in da neighborhood and i'm with lil lahlah." rakeem said as he watched laveah rock side to side.

"LAH LAH BAHDAA MAMA!" laveah babbled louder into the microphone, simoné laughed as she fully made her way downstairs. "lahlah baby what're you doing?" simoné said as she picked laveah up and took the very oversized fitted cap off of her along with the large shades and rakeem's chain she had on. "why the hell does she have all this shit on." simoné said as she shook her head.

"cause she a real gangsta." rakeem said as he took off his shades, he stepped behind simoné and softly face her a few soft kisses on her neck and cheek. "finally you're up, sleeping beauty." rakeem said as he held simoné's waist. "mhm finally." she responded as she looked back at him with a smile. "but i'm sorry u haven't been doing much with you two, as you've seen i've been feeling so sick." simoné said as she laid her head back into his shoulder while she adjusted laveah on her hip.

"it's okay bae. i understand completely, it's fine don't worry bout it okay?" rakeem said as he slide her hands up her shirt, rubbing her belly area gently as he looked down into her eyes. "you keep rubbing my belly like it's sum in there, nigga what is your fascination." she said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"i just got a feeling." he shrugged. "oh lord well that reminds me i have something i need to show you two. so get on the couch and wait." simoné said as she sat laveah down on the couch. she went upstairs and grabbed the pregnancy tests she took previously. she put them in her robe pocket and grabbed her phone so she could cast her reaction video on the living room tv.

she walked downstairs and smiled as she sat down next to rakeem. "are y'all ready?" simoné asked before she started to hit play. rakeem nodded in response while laveah cheered "yes." repeatedly while kicking her feet. simoné smiled as she clicked play, sitting down next to them on the couch.

as the video got closer to the reveal the more excited rakeem got, once he realized the tests read positive he was over the rooftops. "baby baby quit playing are you for real?" he said as he held his joy in. "no i promise i'm not." simoné said in a low tone as she looked in rakeem's eyes, nodding softly as she held one side of his face as she pulled the tests out of her pocket.

"so we having another baby?" rakeem said as pulled her closer, his eyes lighting up. "yep! baby number two." simoné said happily as a tear fell from her eye. they were both so happy to bring this new life into the world, give them all they could, a perfect life just how they planned for laveah.


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