Turnabout At The Ready - 2

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{ Note: I'll be changing he format so it's more story-like, and less like a okay script. Enjoy!}
April 11 10:10AM
District Court - Courtroom no 2
The Judge asked for order, and lifted his gavel.
"Court is now in session for the trial of Juniper Woods. Is the defence team ready?"
Apollo glanced up. "Defence team leader, Apollo Justice, is ready your honour!"
Athena slammed the desk. "Defence team assistant, Athena Cykes, is ready your honour!"
"Good. And the prosecution...?" The Judge looked over at the prosecution bench.
There was no one there.
"Bailiff! Where is the prosecution?
"S-Sorry for the delay! The prosecutor is now arriving, your honour!" The bailiff stuttered.
(Talk about bad timing...didn't this happen before?) Apollo thought to himself.
"Talk about bad timing...didn't this happen before?" Athena played with her moon earring.
"That's exactly what I was thinking!" Apollo agreed. (Exactly what I was thinking actually...)
The doors then flew open. In stepped a woman, with a sort of sparkle in her eyes.
The woman in question, had brunette hair, just reaching past her shoulders. She was wearing in what seemed like too casual wear for a courtroom, as she was wearing a black zip-up jumper, and dark blue jeans, followed by black boots.
"The prosecution is finally ready your honour..." She stood behind the prosecution bench.
"A-And who are you by any chance? Word seemed that there would be a new prosecutor in this trial, but I never got any of the details..." The Judge examined the new prosecutor.
(You know, for a prosecutor, her clothes are really casual...)
"You know, for a prosecutor, her clothes are really casual..." Athena repeated Apollo's thoughts again.
"Are you repeating me again?!" Apollo stepped back a little.
"Oh...it wasn't intentional." Athena sighed.
"Ah...of course. You wouldn't know a thing about me..." The new prosecutor brushed her hair out of her face. "My name is Polly. Polly Bloom. That's prosecutor Bloom to you. And yes, I used to prosecute cases in England..." She put one hand on her hip whilst explaining.
"And...how old are you exactly...?" The Judge seemed slightly concerned.
(Looks like the Judge is concerned about the rising levels of young people passing the bar exam...)
"Me? Twenty. Well, if you want numbers when I started to officially prosecute cases, that's eighteen. But I viewed cases well before that."
(The Judge seems slightly amazed...)
"...Apollo Justice. Athena Cykes." She spoke almost in a monotone voice.
"I'm fi- yes!" (Woops...)
"Hm?" Athena listened.
"I've heard much about you two. And about Phoenix Wright." She smiled sweetly and leaned against the desk. "so don't take me for some rookie."
(...we weren't going to...)
"The prosecution now will give their opening statement." The Judge banged his gavel.
"The victim, Gregory Fale, was found lying on a busy main road. Following the autopsy report, he was killed by blunt force trauma, all over his body." She spoke without fault or hesitation. "The road in question, is one that links two towns together. So it was fairly busy all the time. The prosecution intends to prove that the defendant committed the act."
"But-! Junie would never do something like that-!" Athena burst out.
"Ms Cykes! If you do not control these outbursts, I'm afraid I will have to remove you from the courtroom." The Judge boomed through the courtroom.
"Athena-!" Apollo whispered. "Not out loud-!"
"But Junie..." Athena whimpered.
"Prosecution. You will now call your first witness."
"Gladly. I call the detective in charge of this case. They are called..."
End of part 2
{ cliffhangers. Love em or hate em }

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