Turnabout At The Ready - 4

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"The Prosecution calls one unlucky young boy who sadly witnessed the murder. Daemon Achan! Please come to the witness stand!" The Prosecutor pointed again to the witness stand.
A young boy with light brown curls hesitantly walked up to the stand. He looked no older than fourteen.
(...am I seriously cross examine this person? Aren't they a bit...young?)
"May I ask the prosecution a question...?" The Judge spoke up.
"What is it that you may need your honour?" Bloom leaned on the desk again.
"Is this witness...okay with testifying?"
"Your honour." She paused. "This witness is about as happy as testifying as the defence over there is as happy with their client. And may I add, they're testimony is important to the court."
"...right." The Judge looked at the boy. "Witness. State your name...and occupation for the court."
"Daemon Achan...student...?" He looked in the direction if the prosecution.
The Prosecutor nodded in reply.
(Don't tell me...she's told him exactly what to say...)
"Apollo?" Athena spoke up.
"Don't use your chords of steel this time. Please. He's only a kid after all..."
"I-I'll try-!" Apollo slammed the desk. (Oops...force of habit. And didn't Athena testify when she was eleven?)
"Witness. Please testify to the court on what you saw."
"It was just a normal day...I was coming home from school...
I looked and saw two people arguing.
Suddenly, one of the people, who looked like a female, pushed the man off the side of the bridge
The female then walked off."
"Defence. You may begin your cross examination."
"It was just a normal day...I was coming home from school..."
"Hold it!" Apollo shouted. "That pause...was there anyone with you at the time?"
"Why would you think that? I was on my own. With nature."
(...just as I thought) Apollo rubbed his wrist where his bracelet was located.
"You've found something, haven't you." Athena looked at Apollo.
"Trust me on this one Athena." Apollo started to look the victim over. "Can you repeat that for me please?"
"H-Huh? Okay... I said:
Why would you think that? I was on my own. With nature."
"Gotcha!" Apollo slammed the desk. "Witness!"
Deamon twitched.
"...may I remind you that the witness is a child. I rather you not scare him." The Prosecutor smiled sweetly.
(Someone didn't make a comment about my hair...thats new...) "When you said: 'I was in my own' your thumb moved slightly."
"A-And?" Daemon hid his thumb.
"I believe you were not on your own. You were with someone else!" Apollo pointed at Daemon.
"H-Howwwwwwww-?" Daemon stepped back. "F-Fine! I was with my younger sister-!"
"Witness. May I remind you that you are under oath. You will amend your testimony." The Judge banged his gavel.
"That's funny...why would he hide the fact that he was with his sister?" Athena played with her earring.
"I dunno...maybe because he was embarrassed?" Apollo rubbed his neck.
"It still seems fishy though..."
"It was just a normal day. I was walking home with my sister." Daemon changed his previous statement.
(Maybe I should ask him something else...)
"I looked and saw two people arguing"
"Hold it! What exactly did the two people look like?"
"The woman was wearing a hat with sunflowers. She was also wearing a dress that was very long."
"And where were you viewing this?"
"Underneath the bridge."
"Mr Justice...were any of those statements important?"
"They were very important your honour." Apollo touched his forehead. "The defence would like them added to the testimony."
"I can see it as well!" Athena clasped her hands together. "...I think"
"The woman had a hat with sunflowers on and was wearing a dress that was very long
I was viewing this underneath the bridge." Deamon added his statements to his testimony.
"Objection!" Apollo pointed. "Witness. You state you were viewing this from underneath the bridge. If that's true...how could you see the dress that the woman was wearing was very long?"
"Ack-!" He lifted his hands up in the air.
"I suppose your going to suggest how he could see it? Was he viewing the crime from a different place? Or had he seen the defendant before?" The prosecutor leaned on the desk.
(First he hides the fact that he was with his sister...and now this...maybe he's trying to hide something by doing all if this...?)
End of part 4

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