Turnabout At The Ready - 7

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April 11 11:10AM
District Court - Courtroom no 2
The Judge banged his gavel. "Court is now back in session for the trial of Juniper Woods. First things first...what about the witness?"
"Daemon Achan came out of his unconscious state a few minutes ago..." The Prosecutor started. "Attempts to talk about what he saw caused him to faint..."
"Did he see the murderer?" Athena asked.
"According to him...he did." She sighed. "It must have been very traumatic for him to act like this..."
"What about the witnesses' sister?" The Judge questioned. "Are they willing to testify?"
"They haven't been briefed, so even the Prosecution doesn't know what she saw, but according to Daemon, she was there."
"The Prosecution may call their next witness." The Judge stated.
Bloom pointed to the witness stand again. "Angelica Achan. The witness stand if you will!"
A young girl wearing a floral dress walked up to the witness stand. "Hiya!" She smiled.
"Your a cute witness!" The Judge exclaimed. "You remind me of my grandchild..."
(Uh oh...not this again...)
"Well the Judge's grandchild must be famous by now I suppose..." Athena chuckled nervously.
"Tell me about it..." Apollo rubbed his neck.
"Did you see anything happen when you were walking on a bridge, little Angelica?" The Judge smiled.
"Yup! I can tell ya!" She bobbed up and down joyfully.
"Please do!" The Judge asked.
"It was just me and my bro walking home that day!
But then I saw two people, a boy and a girl, shouting!
The girl pushed the boy off the bridge...bro screamed!
I could even tell ya who the girl was!"
"Defence. You may begin your cross examination...and, try to be delicate."
"I could even tell ya who the girl was!"
"Hold it!" Apollo shouted.
"This could either be good or bad for our case you know...." Athena stated.
"Well, we either sink or we swim." Apollo replied. "So...who was it..?"
"Okey-Dokey Mr Red Horns!" The young girl giggled.
Athena tried to hold back her laughter.
"That person is actually right here in this room actually..." She started.
"S-She is-?" The Judge looked shocked.
(Please don't be Juniper...please don't be Juniper...)
"It's that person over there!" Angelica pointed....

...To the Prosecutions bench.

"H-Huh?" Bloom jumped up.
"W-Witness! Are you saying..." The Judge trembled. "...that the person who pushed the man off the bridge...was Prosecutor Bloom!?"
"Pretty sure..." Angelica mumbled.
"WHAAA-" Athena started.
"-AAAAA-" Apollo continued.
"-AAAAT?!" The Judge finished.
The crowd started to mumble.
"Didn't this happen before?"
"I can't believe this little girl saw the mean Prosecutor push the victim off the bridge!"
"Objection-!" Bloom slammed the desk. "May I ask for no sudden accusations?"
"P-Prosecutor Bloom-!" The Judge stammered. "were you, in fact, at the scene of the crime?"
"I was near the crime scene that day, that much is true..." She slammed the desk. "But I never pushed the victim off the bridge!"
"A-Apollo-!" Athena turned to Apollo. "Is this...true...?"
(Is Angelica correct? Is Prosecutor Bloom really the murderer after all?
...if she is...
...Where does that leave us?)
End of part 7

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