Turnabout At The Ready - 11

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Daemon Achan shuffled up to the witness stand. "I told you not to ask my sister to testify..." He trailed off.
"Daemon. Let's cut to the chase. We need to find out why you are so terrified about he incident...and the defence over there is going to help you...so how about you give us your testimony...?" The Prosecutor grinned.
"O-Okay..." Daemon stammered.
The Judge banged his gavel.
"I'm sure A-Angelica would have t-told you this but...
...The P-Prosecutor over there pushed the guy off the bridge...
...B-But then, she came over to us, asking if we were...to keep quiet about it...
...So all that was just an act set up by the P-Prosecutor...nothing else..."
Bloom suddenly jerked back "W-Wh-"
"Prosecutor Bloom!" The Judge shouted. "Are you hiding something from this court? The two testimony's combined...are enough to prove that you did it."
"Objection!" Bloom slammed the desk. "I do not admit to anything. This boy is lying."
"A-Am not!" Daemon screamed. "I remember you telling me what to do-!"
"I only told you to tell the truth! Nothing else-!"
"You DID tell me what to do!"
"Where's your evidence? Evidence is everything in a court of law!"
"I-I don't have any but-"
"Hold it!" Athena slammed the desk. "May the defence analyse this witness' testimony now?"
"Y-Yes, I think you must..." The Judge stammered.
(....'Evidence is everything'...wait a second-)
"Out of control emotion...again..." Athena sighed.
"What is it this time?" Apollo looked at the screen.
"Sadness. Think you could probe the cause?"
"Hm..." Apollo thought for a moment "Well there is one thing..."
"What is it?" Athena asked.
"He's being very protective of someone...don't you think?"
"Ah- you mean?"
"Witness. I believe the cause of your sadness is one thing." Apollo stated.
"Okay..what?" Daemon tilted his head.
Apollo grinned. "...your little sister of course. Angelica."
"Well, it all makes sense really...why else would you try to hide her?" Bloom taunted.
"B-But why would he-" The Judge started.
"Daemon. Angelica did something, didn't she?" Athena looked Daemon in the eye.
Daemon jerked back. "N-No-"
"Your thumbs moving again." Apollo stated.
"Witness! What ever did your sister do?" The Judge asked.
"I'm...not- no, can't, tell you...only she can...I'm sorry..." Daemon looked to the floor.
"...Your Honour." Bloom started.
"Angelica has been caught. She will be coming into the courtroom shortly."
"Excellent. Daemon, you may step down. Now." The Judge held his gavel high. "Angelica Achan, please come to the witness stand." He slammed his gavel.
End of part 11

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