Turnabout At The Ready - 13

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Bloom applauded. "Well done! And now that you understand, I will be withdrawing my statement from earlier!"
"S-So...you're saying that you didn't, in fact, kill the victim?" The Judge asked.
"No, I didn't. That was just a trap for the real killer. You know, so they would slip up." The Bailiffs let the Prosecutor go and she walked back up to the Prosecution's bench.
"A-And the supposed 'real killer'...You're saying that...?" The Judge stammered.
"Yes." Apollo slammed the desk. "The defence believes that Angelica Achan, having lied to this court quite a few times, is the killer!"
Angelica ran up to the witness stand. "Y-You MEANIE!" She shouted. "Where's your evidence?"
(Please don't hurt me...) "You lied to his court repeatedly. You used your brother to help you erase evidence..." He grinned "And all of this would have worked...if you would have known who the defendant was of course..."
"Angelica Achan! Do you have anything to say?" The Judge banged his gavel.
"Do? I? Have? Anything? To? Say?" Angelica's hair fell in front of her face. "I HATE ALL OF YOU! ALL OF YOU! MY ACT AS MURDER ROSE WAS PERFECT! PERFECT! YOU MESSED IT ALL UP!" She screamed.
Bloom wagged her finger. "My my...didn't someone tell you?" She smiled "Perfection is boring! Perfection is unrealistic! Perfection is nothingness!" She pointed her finger at Angelica.
"Gh-!' Angelica slammed the witness stand. "I. Will. Not. Hesitate. To. Kill. All of you!" She screamed.
"Angelica Achan. Your guilt will be proven at another trial. But I can say for certain..." The Judge raised his gavel. "...That the defendant, Juniper Woods, Is not guilty."
The crowd cheered.
Confetti rained from the ceiling.
"Court is adjourned!" The Judge brought the gavel down.

April 11 1:00PM
District Court - Defendants Lobby no 4

"We did it Apollo!" Athena clasped her hands together.
"We sure did!" Apollo rubbed the back of his neck.
"Thena...Apollo..." Juniper walked up to them. "Thank you so much..." She smiled.
"It's alright Junie!" Athena threw her hand in the air. "We were just doing what we do best, right Apollo?"
"Right. Apollo nodded.
"Maybe you wouldn't have needed my help after all...." A voice appeared behind them.
Apollo turned and saw Prosecutor Bloom. "Ah!" (What's she doing here?)
"What was that all about in there?" Athena asked. "You could've been arrested!"
"...I was only laying out a trap for the killer...I've done stunts like that before..." Bloom looked up for a moment. "But I wanted to ask you...where was Mr Wright today? Doesn't he normally watch you guys from the gallery?"
"...He's on one of his 'secret missions' I think..." Apollo touched his forehead. "He won't tell us a thing..."
"Oh-! Really?" Bloom looked shocked. "Well...I'm sure you'll find out soon." She smiled.
"Apollo!" Athena burst out. "I just realised-! Trucy's still alone at the office!"
"Trucy-!" Apollo jumped back. (How could I forget?)
"It seems you will be off then. Oh well. It was nice meeting you." Bloom brushed her hair out of her face.
"Nice meeting you too!" Athena smiled. "Let's go Apollo!"
(Athena then dragged me out of the lobby...and she made me run all the way to the Wright Anything Agency...)

April 11 1:35PM
Wright Anything Agency

"Hey Polly! Hey Athena!" Trucy ran up to greet the two.
"Hey Trucy!" Athena grinned.
"Are you okay?" Apollo asked Trucy.
"You should stop worrying so much about me Polly! I'm fine!" Trucy bobbed up and down. "Daddy came home a little while ago after all!"
"Hello you two..." Phoenix walked up to them.
"Boss!" Athena greeted him.
"I was wanting to discus something with you..." Phoenix thought for a moment.
"Is it about one of your 'secret missions' daddy?" Trucy asked.
"Sort of..." He paused. "There's a new defence attorney in town..."
"Is there?" Apollo folded his arms.
"I'm meeting them tomorrow personally, do you want to come?" Phoenix looked at all of them.
"Sure!" Athena laughed. "What's their name?"
"...I think it's...Polly. Polly Bloom." Phoenix looked up in thought.
Apollo's face went pale. "Wait....did you just say..."
"...Polly Bloom...?" Athena looked at Phoenix in disbelief.
"What's the matter with you two all of a sudden?" Phoenix questioned.
"It's just..." Athena started.
"...The Prosecutor we faced today..." Apollo continued. "...Was one, 'Polly Bloom'.
"Huh-?" Phoenix stepped backwards. "That...can't be right...can it?"
"I guess we will just have to find out like you said..." Athena trailed off.
{ Maybe I might continue this as another turnabout? It depends really! Hope you liked Turnabout At The Ready! }

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