Chapter One

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    The wind howled around the dark forest, as the man in the black threaded cloak walked silently through the night air with a tight bundle in his arms. There lay ahead of him, a clearing filled with rocks and trees that creaked and swayed in the night. A crack in the distance made him stop in his tracks, as he searched the eerie woods. 

"Give the girl to us, Nicholas" 

The man whipped around, and there stood ahead of him a man with a ripped cloak with his wand raised.  

"She is not safe with you. Give the girl to me."

"That won't be necessary." as he gripped the bundle tighter in his arms, a small cry escaped the bundles hood. With his other hand, he raised his wand as well, pointing it at the mysterious man across from him.

"Don't make me do this. This is your chance to make things right, this is your chance to escape." the man said as he stepped closer carefully, trying not to scare the man named Nicholas away. 

"you know I can't do that. You know very well how deep I am in this, there is no escape for me now." Nicholas backed away, earning a groan from the man. "She is his now, and there is no stopping it."

"The girl will be the downfall of our world if he gets hands on her." The man said raising his voice. "she is too powerful for him, if not cared for right, she could kill him." The mans arms were now trembling as magic soared through his veins. 

"I do not care for the girl nor do I care for him." 

A spell was blasted from one of the mans wands and a silent duel had begun. Flashing lights illuminated to dark forest and the sounds of heavy breathing and silent mutterings filled the tension in the air. Both men took each chance they got to fire a spell at the other. For there was only one difference, one was using darker magic.

The man Nicholas was dueling with one hand, for he had the bundle in his arms. With his movements and the loud dueling of spells, the baby had awoken and let out a cry of distress and moved frantically, making the man lose focus for a half a second. The other however, did not miss this chance, as he shot a powerful spell at him. Nicholas shot back, and hit the front of a tree, the bundle still in his arms. Groaning he got up, but was dizzy in the process, making him stumble and fall to his knees.

"I never took you for the killing type Albus" he said with a huff, and the baby wailed to get free of the man.

"I am not going to kill you Nicholas. Just give me the girl."

Seeing as the man was weak and could barely think, Dumbledore took the chance to grab the baby from his grasp and turned to walk away.

"Kill me, Albus. Kill me before he does." With that, Albus Dumbledore froze in mid-step. The silence filled the air around them and a heavy smell of death was making the air unbearable to breathe. 

He took a deep breath and turned. Looking at the effects of the spell that he had casted on the man. He was bleeding in most spots and his face had turned pale. Dumbledore wasn't the killing type, but he had to take the girl. She was too powerful in the hands of the awful man that sent Nicholas to retrieve her. 

Before he could speak, hundreds of cracks filled the forest, and Aurors with wands raised stepped into the clearing. Dumbledore took this chance to flee into the woods, and left the man to die or to be imprisoned.

The baby cried for she had not been fed or changed in some time. But Dumbledore didn't bother to stop to care for the small infant. For he had been too busy plotting his plan and a heavy smirk grew on his face. 

Hey guys! So this is my first chapter and I tried my best. I promise it will get better, but this had to be added. What do you think Dumbledore is planning? Thank you so much for reading!


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