Chapter Twenty Three

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Mature Warning ;)

Malina spent the next twenty four hours trying to figure out Tom's plans. She searched the entire library and got a note from Slughorn to search the restricted section. She was on her last book, she had spent the entire day reading each dark arts book.

"Come on, it has to be in here." She whispered to herself. Her fingers traced along the dark inked words, hoping for the word to jump out at her.

Just when she was about too close the book, 'horcrux' appeared in the last paragraph. She quickly read it, letting the information sink in.

A horcrux is a way for someone to come immortal, by splitting their soul by killing others. Horcruxes takes a toll on people, changing their appearance and personality.

Malina already knew that, she heard it last night.

She flipped the page over quickly, desperate for more information. But the book ended, there was nothing behind the page.

No no no

"Something wrong, Donovan?"

She shut the book instantly and turned around to meet Tom's stare.

"Nothing is wrong, Riddle. Mind your own business." She got up to put the book away. She tried to reach the top shelf on her tippy toes but couldn't get the book in it's place.

She went to use magic but Tom grabbed the book out of her hand. He reached out and put the book back, his body stretching toward Malina, her nose almost touched his chest.

His scent invaded her senses, making her feel a bit dizzy. She quickly snapped out of it when Tom came back to his original height.

"Thank you." She breathed, his face now inches from hers.

He suddenly backed away, she felt like she could breathe again.

"Meet me in the common room at mid-night." He told her, and walked away.

What would Tom want that late at night

Knowing her search had ended, she made her way out of the library, thinking about what Tom wanted with her.

                                    ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻

Midnight had rolled around, Malina wore a thick sweater with her pajama shorts and walked down toward the common room.

Tom sat in the green arm chair. He was fully dressed, including his robe.

He stood when he saw her come down the steps. Advancing toward her.

"What is it Tom?" She asked, now standing in front of him.

"Follow me, we're going out of the castle." He said, making his way toward the portrait hole.

"Tom. It's passed curfew. I am not going outside." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Stop being childish, Malina. Let's go." He pulled her arm forward and she sent a glare at him.

They made their way to the courtyard and Tom urged her to go through the bridge.

"Tom are you mad! I am not going into the forest." She stated, you could practically see the fumes coming out of her ears.

"Let's go Malina, I don't have all day." He grunted and pushed her forward once more.

She sighed and followed him into the forest, curious to see what he is showing her.

They walked for fifteen minutes. Her feet ached due to her improper choice of shoes, but she did not let Tom know.

He stopped at a clearing, hooded figures conjoined a circle, a fire blazing in the middle.

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