Chapter Eleven

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A week had passed since the bathroom incident and Malina had not talked to Tom since. He would simply ignore her, not even wanting to be in the same room as her. She knew that Tom didn't want her asking questions, but how could she not; a large serpent was wandering the castle. Malina thought she would be scared, but she has encountered worse then a snake and as long as it didn't interfere with her life, she didn't care what Tom did with it. A part of her wished that the snake was hers and she could use it however she liked, she quickly pushed the jealousy away; she would never be jealous of Tom Riddle.

She made her way through the portrait hole, and there in the Common Room was both of the rivals groups, laughing together. They each held what she assumed to be fire whiskey in their hands and the passed around a blunt.

They watched as Malina made her way to them, and they immediately stopped talking.

"What is going on here" Malina said, frowning at the girls. How could they be so foolish. Going to the slugclub meeting was one thing, but to drink together and hang out was another. She would not tolerate such madness.

"Uh- um, we were just talking about old memories from when we were children." Cora stammered. Malina glared at her foolishness, the girl was simply afraid and that made her weak.

"Come on Donovan, lighten up a bit." Marcus smirked at her, taking a hit from the blunt.

"Nott, don't you dare talk to me that way, I'm sure your leader would love to hear about why you were in the Hufflepuff dormitories last night," She snarled at him. He stopped talking right away, avoiding his friends gazes.

"When I come back here, I expect all of you to be separated." She said to the girls, they nodded. When they were about to get up, a figure approached her and the girls sat back down.

"Not being the killjoy of the group, are you Donovan?" Riddle said behind her. She could her the smirk in his voice. She turned to face him. Her wand pointed directly at him.

"Riddle don't ma-" she was interrupted by professor slughorn rushing through the potrait hole. It seems as he was running, due to the large breaths he was taking. The guy was really out of shape.

"Students please, gather around." He finally said, and people came out of their rooms and gathered around the potions professor.

"A student has been petrified, and Hogwarts is now taking precautions in order to keep you all safe. No one is aloud out of their common rooms after seven thirty and all students must walk with another student or with their fellow prefect. No one is to wander the corridors and go outside school grounds. I'm afraid if this doesn't get resolved, Hogwarts will be shutting down for the year." The professor said, and made his way out of the common room.

Malina's eyes immediately went to Tom and he shook his head at her. His eyes telling her to be quiet. Malina scoffed and looked back toward the two groups. The boys seemed to not be affected by the news and continued to drink and smoke, giggling as they watched a first year cry across the room.

Malina group however, whispered in each others ears. Shock written on their faces. She glanced back at Tom, and he was making his was back to his dorm. She followed him and when he went to close the door on her face, she stuck her foot out to stop him from fully closing it.

Tom pushed harder on the door, not caring is he broke her foot or not. She flicked her wrist and the door flung open, making Tom stumble behind him. She quickly locked the door and casted a silencing charm on the room.

"Really, Riddle? A petrified student, are you kidding me?! I told you to make it stay out of interfering with school and you basically got it shut down!" She yelled at him, her anger making the papers on his desk swish around.

Tom noticed that and was curious as to why her magic was coming out like that. By her age now, she should be able to control sudden outbursts of magic.

Tom stood there calmly, not even when she came up to slap him in the face once more. He quickly grabbed her wrist, pulling them downwards.

"I thought I told you not to touch me." He said to her, anger finally rising through his calm mask.

"Yet, here you are holding my wrists." She spat back at him. He dropped her wrists and she stepped back, not wanting to be too close to the boy.

"I didn't intend to have the school shut down, Donovan. The beast needed to eat and I couldn't stop it." Tom said, finally confessing to her. Tom didn't know why he was telling her what happened. He just didn't want her going around talking to people about the incident.

"Well then learn to stop it, I am not leaving the school early this year. learn to control it and I won't tell anyone." She smirked at him. Anger flushed through Tom. The girl had struck his last nerve, and he would not tolerate her threats.

Tom trapped her between the wall, hands on both sides of her head. From here she could smell the fresh mint and smoky cologne he was wearing. Tom's mouth went to her ear.

"If you ever talk to me like that again, I will not only torture you but I will slit your throat." He whispered, sending a wave of shivers down her body. Tom's breath fanned the side of her neck and he pushed back.

"Now leave my room, I do not tolerate such behavior." he said, sitting at his desk now writing something on a piece of parchment.

"Don't underestimate me Riddle, I will come for you if that thing comes near me and my life again. I will not hesitate to kill and you your little friends. Mark my words Tom" She left his dorm and slammed the door on her way out.

She made her way to the library before curfew hit. She decided to do some research on the beast Tom was dealing with.

She searched the shelves until she found what she was looking for.

Fantastic beasts and where to find them

The beast had to be in there she thought. She grabbed the book and went to the librarian lady.

"You better get back to your dorm, curfew is in five minuets." The lady said, handing the book back to her. Malina took off back to the Common room. She made it to her dorm and saw all the parchment laying there from the night before.

Shoot, shoot, shoot

She had forgotten about her transfiguration essay that was due tomorrow, her mind was full of thoughts about Tom and the snake and the essay completely left her mind. She quickly put down her books and began working on the homework right away. Her thoughts drifting far from the book in her bag that concluded all of Tom's secrets.

Hey guys!! As you can tell this book is now starting to pick up. I'm not sure what year Tom was in when he released the basilisk so I just put it in his sixth year. I hope that okay! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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