Chapter Four

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The train whistled as Malina made her way down the trains corridor. After last night her mind had been in many places at once and she couldn't find herself to calm down and sleep, now realizing that this wasn't the best idea. Luckily the professor left her new school clothes and items early that morning on her front step, and was now wearing the bland grey school attire, her black robe trailing behind her.

She searched for an empty compartment but was unsuccessful and the only one left had four girls chatting loudly. Malina mentally groaned, for she knew there was no other space on the train and had to deal with the loud school girls.  She slid the compartment door open and the room went silent.

"May I sit in here?" Malina asked, the kind words bitter on her tongue. The girls looked at each other and nodded in agreement. The closest girl was the one to speak up after the long moment of silence.

"Of course, sit." she said with a light smile on her face. "I am Walburga Black, this is Alice Clarke, Greta Verline, Ivy Indra and Cora Tyson" All of the girls waved at Malina. Powerful families they all came from.

"I'm Malina, Malina Donovan."

"A Donovan? Thank goodness you're a pureblood. My father would murder me in cold blood if he knew I was talking with a mud-blood. The other girls nodded as well. Malina took notice to how Walburga seems to lead their little group.

Malina never took interest in the idea of blood purity, for she was never exposed to other witches and wizards like her. But she didn't mind the idea and would have to think of it later.

Malina sat next to the brunette named Greta. The girls continued their conversation that she gladly didn't join, but instead took notice of the compartment beside theirs. Inside was a five boys the same age but she took notice to one in particular. He sat by the window, while the others were stuffing their faces with sweets, he held a book in his hand and his face emotionless.

"Who are they?" she whispered into Greta's ear and pointed to the compartment.

"Them? Those are the heirs of the top families in the scared twenty-eight. The one with the platinum blonde hair is Abraxas Malfoy. He's the richest one of them all and is vile, trust me. The one jumping up and down with brown hair, that's Ivan Rosier. He's the prankster of the group, keep an eye out for him. The boy with the black hair is Rodolphus Lestrange. He's alright, but doesn't really like talking with others. Lastly that's Marcus Nott, he's the nicest one out of all of them. But I do not know the boy by the window."

Malina watched closely as the boys fought over the last bag of jellybeans. "How do you know all of them?" She asked the brunette.

"We all grew up together, our parents often hosted events that we all attended and we all hung out. We've been close ever since birth." Greta responded, now turning her attention back to her friends as they involved her in the conversation.

Malina closely watched the strange boy, his magic drawing her in. Like he felt it as well, the boy lifted his head and his gaze fell on her. She quickly looked away, not wanting to be caught staring. She thanked Merlin when a question was asked toward her and she didn't have to sit awkwardly avoiding the boys gaze. The girls --even Malina--chatted away in their compartment and their conversation finally ended when the train started to slow to a stop.

Grabbing her bags, she made her way out the train and ended up on a platform.

"First years over here please!" A voice called from a distance. She couldn't see the approaching figure in the nights air, but was then able to see a lantern in the distance. The girls from the train ended up beside her and urged her to walk forward, to the light. Once they had reached, a man stood at a dock waiting for the first years to arrive.

"Alright, in ya go" The man pushed the last first year into the boat and he earned a glare from the small child. The boats magically started moving toward the other side of the dark lake. She finally got to take in the glorious castle, and Dumbledore wasn't wrong when he said the castle was beautiful. In front of her stood a tall stone castle that reached into peaks at the top. She couldn't wait to see what awaited her inside.

She then turned to Ivy and she had the same look plastered on her face. Now that she got a good look at everyone, so did they. The man then cleared his throat.

"Welcome home"

Another Chapter! I'm trying to write as much as I can in order to keep you guys content. Again sorry for the short chapter. I'm calling these the prologues of my story because I'm not gonna torture you guys by starting with her first year. I just want to introduce some of the main aspects and characters of the book first. I did make up some of the boys first names, I wanted to name some of them myself, so please don't get mad, I just find they fit in better with my story. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!


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