Keefe tries (and fails) to join the girls team

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this chapter Seven is coming in! if you dont know who that is read my other story: ULTIMATE WEREWOLF or i can just tell you: shes sortof the host organising the gettogethers. shes got turqious hair and that sorta it... enjoy!

"DIBS FOSTER!!!!" Keefe yelled and grabbed Sophie's arm before she could wander over to Baina or Linh.

"No, she's going to be with her cuzzie, right Sophie?" Dex stated pleadingly, pulling on her other arm. Sophie groaned. This was the usual whenever they played basequest (sort of like capture the flag), she could track thoughts so she could find people's hiding spots and tag them.

"How about me?" Fitz complained, "I can nearly track thoughts as well as her!"

"Ah ah ahh, Fitzy! Remember: 'NEARLY'." Keefe wagged a finger at his best friend.

"Yeah Wonderboy! No one wants a Cognate-Chandelier obsessed boy on their team." Dex added.

"I could say the same about a Hair-Mommy Issues obsessed baby too!" Tam glanced at Keefe. Keefe glared back. "Hey Bangsboy, sup?"

"Why don't we do boys versus girls?" Biana interrupted before an argument began.

"Yes," Sophie answered relieved, "but we don't have even teams..."

"I'll go one the girls' team!" Keefe quickly decided, "then it's totally even!"

"No it's not," Linh explained, "that just changes 4:3 to 3:4."

"Trust Linh with the logical thinking..." Said Dex. He suddenly whirled around. "What was that?"

Fitz frowned, "what was what?"

"THAT?!" Dex pointed.

"That, my dear Dexy," Keefe began putting one hand on his friends back and using the other to gesture like an over dramatic tour guide, "is a species of human named: a Girl! The specifics of this animal are: Seven."

"Exactly." Seven smiled, waltzing out of the bushes casually. "Thank you Keefe."

"My pleasure. When are we heading off?" He answered, already excited for the game.

"Now!" Seven grinned and snapped her fingers in the usual procedure.

"...LET THE GAMES BEGIN!..." she cackled as she teleported herself away after them.

Okay, the main characters of this story will change according to the POV (point of view), and will also include features from The Hunger Games. most of the characters will be participating in the hunger games (a thing where tributes/characters go into an arena and have to kill each other.) Seven will be participating as Head Gamemaker. I repeat: LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN!



Kotlc, Hoo og Hp into the Hungergames !!! :)Where stories live. Discover now