Girl on fire

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Hi, sorry i havent updated, schools been so busy! plus ive got football and scouts...

im pretty happy with this chapter, its a little longer. if you have any questions about this story: ASK ASK ASK :)

Marella POV

I don't understand.

I was eating lunch when I appeared here. I saw heaps of strangers in the countdown. I recognised Stina.

SERIOUSLY, WHY STINA?! Everyone hates her, she's a bully. I run in the opposite direction then her towards a particularly dense patch of pine forest. It's dark. I concentrate on heat and my hands begin flickering with flames. I sigh at the familiarity of the smoke, heat and crackling sound. It feels like home.

I lower myself down on the ground. The voice on the loudspeakers said that this was a killing game. The problem is: I can't kill. Not even a fly.

That's why I need to set up camp. If I can't kill, I may as well be comfortable waiting for the attack.

I gather some stones and arrange them into a small circle and light the dry leaves at the center. The darkness becomes lighter. How could Sophie hate flames?

I could live like this, i think, savoring the soft birdsong and- I bolt up -crunching leaves.

Putting out the fire, I hid behind a rock.

"Tell me why you wanted to team up, again?" a girl's voice asks.

A male voice clears his throat. "You were the first person I bumped into. Anyway, it's either teaming up or murdering. Which do you prefer?"

"That's too easy to answer."

"So does that mean youd prefer to murder?"


The boy, Leo smirked. Like Keefe. I think.

I lean around the rock and catch a glimpse of the girl: long red hair, tall, pretty...

She could be an elf. I think before looking at Leo. He could, under no standards, be considered even close to an elf. He's super short, has messy brown hair, and just seems naturally covered in motor oil. But still, cute.

"THERE'S SOMEBODY BEHIND THAT ROCK!" Leo suddenly screams. I jump to my feet and summon fire to my hands. Leo gapes at me. After a few seconds, he knocks his head back and begins laughing.

"Errr..." I squint as if seeing him better will make this make sense. It doesn't.

"Yeah..." the girl says. "That's Leo." she holds out a hand, "just warning you, he's a weirdo. Im Ginny."

I shake her hand. "Marella. Is he seriously still laughing???"

Leo laughing continued into wheezes. "Yep." he admitted.

"Who are you, and why laugh? How am i funny?"

He sighs; "I'm the masterful creator of the Valdezinator. And i WAS laughing because: FIRE!" his eyes light up again. "YOU'VE GOT FIRE POWERS?!"

"Umm yeah?" I frown. "It's pretty obvious."

"YES BUT FIREEEEEEE!" He waves his arm dramatically.

I cross my arms over my chest. "What's wrong with fire?"

He held out a hand.

I gasp.

Flames are flickering across his palms, licking his fingers. I look up at Leo.

"You're a Pyrokinetic too?"

Leo shrugs. "Sort of. That's what Dex said whether first time he saw-"

"Wait," I say, "Dex is here too??" I've always had a teensy crush on Dex Dizznee. Alright, maybe big. Fine, I'll admit: I really really like him.

Leo raises an eyebrow. I hope he can't read body language.

He smirks. Like Keefe again. "Somebody's very curious... is Dexy a friend of yours? Or-"


"I was," he frowns. "But you barged in over the top of me."

I mimic his confused expression, "I never went over the top of you! You'd have footprints on your face if I did."

"He means," Ginny, who I'd completely forgotten about, says. "You interrupted him."

Oh. Yep. She's right. I admit in my head.

"I'm not really that kinetic thingy. I'm a son of Hephaestus who was gifted with fire and coolness." Leo explains.

"We need to get going," Ginny prompts. "It's getting dark. We need a hideout."

"Wait, you said we." I repeat.

She tilts her head, "aren't you coming with us?"

I beaming and nodding.

Leo smiles slyly. "We better find this Dexy of yours then... come on!"

I feel my cheeks burn. I follow the wizard and the demigod into the trees.

you may be able to tell i ship Darella, and that cant be changed. any people say Marella is lesbian, trust me, i have nothing against that, in fact, if i cant ship Marella with Dex,  then id put her with a girl... okay, this sounds a bit weird. 

Long Story Short: please dont argue that i ship Darella:)



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