in the second paragraph: Jason get exploded!

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...LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! lol, im not THAT evil...

Hazels POV

I open my eyes then press them closed again. The blinding sun shines red through my eyelids. After a few moments I adjust to make out my surroundings; 24 kids are standing on circular, metal discs. I squint and see Dex standing a hundred meters away on the next disc and Ginny at the same distance away on my right.

Why is no one moving? I follow their gaze and see them staring at a sinkhole where one of the disks should be; a cannon blasts and a voice appears on the loudspeakers. Sevens voice I note: "every time somebody dies a cannon blasts in the arena. Your aim is to survive and be the last one standing. At midnight every night you will see who has died. The land mines around your discs will be deactivated in ten seconds. Ten.... nine.... eight...."

I drown out the counting. Why do we have to kill each other? Will we stay dead forever? I make a decision. We have to kill each other because that's what Seven wants and I guess it's the same sort of dying as the werewolf game.

All the elves are hugging their arms and shivering and I remember Sophie saying something about them being weak minded and incapable of killing other creatures. This'll be tough for them not for me.

"Three.... two.... one! HAPPY HUNGER GAMES?" Seven's voice fades and many things happen at once: a large horn appears in the center of the circle of discs.

A sign appears next to it: The Cornucopia.

I notice bags and weapons and knives in a huge heap inside it, I run all I can towards it. Most of the elves are running in the opposite direction, as well as the wizards. All the Demigods are sprinting here. I'm the fastest and I grab the sword nearest to me, and swing a pack over my shoulder.

I need to get out of here before it gets crowded.

Percy and Annabeth (I believe they've teamed up) are already grabbing weapons of their own, as well as another girl I've never seen before.

She's extremely tall, has puffy brown hair and blue eyes. She also wears a tunic so I assume she's an elf. The girl grabs a pack and a small knife. She follows me as I run into the forest surrounding this field, as I search for Frank. Frank is nowhere.

I slow down, wary that the girl is still pursuing me. I sit down, puffing. I'm going to have to meet the girl eventually, it may as well be now.

"Hey," says the tall girl, walking into my cleaning and brushing her messy hair behind her ear. She annoys me. How can't she be hot or tired? "Wanna team up?" She continues.

"First I'd like to know who you are," I tell her.

"Oh sorry," she apologizes, "I'm Stina Heks. you are?"

"Hazel." I hold out my hand and she takes it, shaking firmly. "Soooo did you want to team?" She repeats.

I nod. This might not be ideal but it's the best idea in this situation. She's still holding her knife. "What's your ability?" I ask, hoping it's good.

"The same as Keefe. I'm an Empath."

I frown. That's not a particularly great ability; and it's not very powerful either.

"Don't worry," Stina must've noticed my expression. "I don't have such a weak mind as the others, so I can fight. What's your power or whatever you call it?"

"I can summon stuff like rocks and gems, and I'm a daughter of Hades. Lord of the Underworld."

"Cool!" She says, her raised eyebrows compliment what she said. "I think we'll make a good team." She hooks my arm with hers and drags my deeper into the forest. "Let's go hunt some peeps!" Exclaims Stina, enthusiastically.

hope that suited your expectations! ima not that familiar with Hazel sooooo... yeah.

next chapter will be Sophies POV



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