Percy finds a teddy bear

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hi again! this chapter has a teensy bit of Percabeth... not that much though, ima not so good at writing romance...

i want to randomly ask how everyone is going with COVID 19? 


Percy POV

Annabeth holds pace beside me. We're apparently trying to find a cave or something.

Its Wise Girls plan of course, I've got seaweed as my brain.

"I need- I need," I slow down, puffing. "I need PANCAKES!"

"No you don't." Annabeth reminds me, taking my hand. "We need a hideout."

I look around, for anything that could be used to stay the night in. "How about that cave?" I point to a cave, half hidden behind bushes.

She nods. "Great! Now what supplies do you have from the Cornucopia?"

I swing my backpack off and rummage inside. "A sleeping bag, torch, sunglasses, dried meat, dried fruit...." I frown. "...And a teddy bear."

"A teddy bear??"

I stare Annabeth in the eyes. "YES, A TEDDY BEAR."

"Sheesh." She looks in her own pack. "I've got throwing knives, some packets of food, a tube of toothpaste, some makeup... and a pocket mirror. WEIRD."

I add things together. "Well, if we share the sleeping bag-"

"I am not sharing a sleeping bag, sorry."

I look at Annabeth, hurt. "Why not?"

"Well, if somebody should come to kill us in the middle of the night, it would be impossible to get out of the sleeping bag and attack."

I tilt my head, back and fourth, mimicking being deep in thought, but truly: my brain doesn't have capacity for hardcore thinking, so I just agree. "Yep, right as always, Wise Girl. But we've only got one sleeping bag..."

Annabeth bites her lip. Hard. I see blood dripping out of the cut she's bitten.

"I've got a knife," she finally says, "we can cut it in half."

"Great idea." I say. Horrible idea. I think. But we do as she suggested.

As soon as the deed of slicing is done, we wander over to the cave.

"Neat." I comment. "It's nice and cozy, warm, comforting... and pitch black."

Wise Girl grimaces at my sarcastic tone. "Take out your torch."

I do as I'm told. "They've got no batteries."

She rolls her eyes. "Let me see. Oop, you're-"

Annabeth takes a step backwards and tumbles into a hole. I shout out and follow her, falling into darkness, and landing on my shoulder. "OUCH!" 

I hear a CHING and bars come down, locking us in some sort of jail cell. I stand up, my head hits the wall and I pass out.

DONT JUDGE HOW SHORT THAT CHAPTER WAS!  also, letting you know, im not sure when my next update will be hehe ;)



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