Lost [CH19]

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 This is a bonus chapter, asked by my readers. Enjoy!


Aah, what a wonderful day! No worries or anything, just me and my happy world!

 No, it's just so far away from that.

 The conscience was drowning me. How could I just have send my bestfriend to go and take my stuff from a person, who I wish that no one would blunder for him. But, Daizo still sacrificed and bother to do it. Glad at least she does care about me, and notice my bleeding feelings. Even thought I really can't decide what to feel. Obviously, I'm so emotional and hollow, but is there still something else? It belongs to the puberty to be unsure of feelings. 

 Is this the feeling after a horrible, never getting over break up? Before him, I never dated another person. Everyone was just judging me as a ''Skinny bitch'',''boneless'' and ''curveless''. I've always had a very low self-esteem, but it did raise up, more and more since him. But then, all the sudden, it drop to the limits, in only three weeks. I'm not fine with my body, I'm not fine with my personality, I'm not fine in general. I need a freaking doctor to bring me back to life.

 Is the problem in me? If I'd have been a better, would he never got blindfolded and love someone else? what did I ever do wrong?

 Those were the questions, which filled my mind. Even thought I know, that Lauren have ruined our perfect life, would it be possible to have avoided this? Or why he didn't never told me about her, since we always told everything for each others? Yes, including have we visit the toilet. I'm never jealous, if I don't find the girl somehow fishy or impending. I've seen tons of fangirls, who have send him really weird message, like how much they'd do so they could get him.

 ''Don't worry, Marzia. I won't never leave you.''

 ''You're lying'' 

 I'd tell that for him now, if I'd know that this was coming. But since I didn't, I always believed him to be loyal untill the terrible end. Why did I ever believed him? Why he was just so easily fooled? What did I love about him? Oh yeah, now I remember - They way he loved me back, cared me, always been there when I needed him the most.

 Suddenly, I heard the doorbell rang. Finally Daizo have arrived here, so I wouldn't feel so alone. I began to react for it, and stoop up from the poor chair, where I was sitting. I slumbered to the door, opening it. Daizo was faintly smiling, so it'd somehow cheer me up - Shame that it didn't.

''Hey Marzia! I got everything you wanted.'' She said, a huge iMac box in her hands. Two little suitcases were hanging on both of her hands, mainly filled with my rest cloths. [A/N, obviously, this all is translated to english, since I guess that they talk italian for each other :-)]

''Great, come in so you won't drop the Mac.'' I urged her, and gave her space to step in.

 Daizo smiled still, but I wasn't able to smile back. She somehow managed to jog in, placing the mac to the floor, setting it to lean against the boring white (almost gray) wall - She drop the rest things from her hands too. And then, I realized that Edgar and Maya were running towards me. Did she took the with her? They were jumping against my legs, begging me to pick them up. Both of them were whining, running around my legs. For the first time in forever, a faint real smile spread on my face.

''Maya and Edgar, I missed you too!'' I cooed them, crouching down and began to pat both of them. Daizo quickly shut the door close, as I lifted my eyes into hers. She had a really weird and goofy smile on her face. Daizo earned a brow from me.

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