Chapter 22: Volpina's Return

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After searching around the city, the 2 heroes end up spotting Volpina standing on the top of the Eiffel Tower and head over.

"Volpina! You have to stop this now! You're torturing the innocent people of Paris!" Ladybug says to her and Volpina just rolls her eyes.

"Why should I care about the people of Paris?! What have they ever done for me but embarrass me?!" Volpina starts "I will make that Chloé Bourgeois pay for humiliating me and get that Marinette too if I can!" She finishes.

Ladybug hears an angry, almost growl like sound coming from Chat Noir behind her. Her and Chat Noir were friends, but maybe he cares more about Marinette than she thought? It's actually kind of cute... no! Focus Ladybug!

"Don't you DARE touch her Lila or I'll take you down myself!" He threatens her. Volpina only laughs at him in response "awww! Does kitty have a little crush?" She mocks him.

Chat Noir growls again. "No one gets to call me kitty except for my lady!" He says back to her. Ladybug just rolls her eyes, that's enough of this. She turns to Chat Noir and says "Let's get this show on the road now, yea? Remember, don't fall for her illusions Chat Noir." He nods to her.

Ladybug and Chat Noir start to fight Volpina. She throws illusions at them which they do their best to avoid. They fight with her more until Chat Noir hears a sound that makes his stomach sink.

"CHAT NOIRRRRRR!" The voice screams. Her know that voice anywhere. That was Marinette's voice. He spins around to try's dm find where the voice is coming from when he finally sees her. Volpina is holding her by one arm, dangling her from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"HELP ME CHAT NOIR! PLEASE HELP ME!" Marinette screams. "MARINETTE!!" He screams back. He starts to make his way up to her when Ladybug realizes what's happening. "KITTY NO! IT'S NOT REAL!" She yells at him, but he's not stopping, he's not willing to take the risk that it could be real.

"CHAT NOIR! HELP ME!" Marinette screams out again when suddenly Volpina drops her. Chat Noir rushes to her aid while Ladybug doesn't bother watching the fake her get thrown off the top of the Eiffel Tower, however bizarre it may be.

She spots the real Volpina hiding behind a pole. Ladybug calls for her Lucky Charm and takes advantage of Volpina's distraction with her illusion to use it. She gets up behind Volpina, grabs her necklace and breaks it, causing Lila to be de-akumatized.

"W-What happened? Why am I up here?" Lila asks once Ladybug is done de-evilizing the akuma. Ladybug ignores her, she feels I'm no way obligated to make sure Lila is ok. She goes to find Chat Noir who's made it to the ground already.

"Pound it!" She says and the 2 of the fist bump. She can see that he looks really shaken up still. "Are you ok kitty?" She asks him, she genuinely is worried about him.

He shakes his head slightly, not looking at her and says "y-yea I'm fine." He looks up at he to continue "this is the first akuma that's been sent out in weeks, we better keep an eye out" he says to her.

She nods. "You're definitely right about that. He could have something big planned." Her earrings start to beep and she looks at her partner. "I've gotta go now kitty, you'll be ok?" She asks him. He manages a small smile as he says "I'm ok don't worry, now go. I'll see you soon."

She smiles at him before she shots out her yo-yo towards the nearest building "bug out!" She says and heads back to the movie theatre.

Not too long after Chat Noir does the same. He needs to know that Marinette is ok.

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