Chapter 15: Talking to the Moon

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A/N: more mood music yay! Start from whichever part in the song you'd like!

Adrien does not return to school after lunch. He can't bear to face Marinette, or anyone for that matter. Not after what he did.

He tells Nathalie that he is feeling unwell and proceeds to lock himself up in his room for the rest of the day.

Later that night, Adrien has an idea. He transforms into Chat Noir and heads out into the city in hopes that he might catch Marinette out on her balcony again while he's on patrol.

When he gets there, he's sad to find that she's not there. He goes to sit over on her balcony in hopes that maybe she'll come up eventually.

Hearing a sound on the roof, Marinette goes up to investigate. She's surprised with what she's met with, "Chat Noir? What're you doing here?" Chat Noir jumps from where he's sitting, surprised by her. "Oh Marinette! I just uh needed a spot to rest while I was on patrols and I figured you wouldn't mind!" He says to her.

He looks at her and he sees that her eyes are really red, she must've been crying. This is all his fault. "Are you ok Marinette? You seem upset" He asks her, although he already knows the answer.

She shakes her head, "I'm not ok Chat, I'm really not. I've lost everything and everyone" she begins to tell him, "all my friends and classmates have turned against me, my boyfriend never actually wanted to be with me" she takes a deep breath and barely manages to get the last part out "and after all of that, I lost the only person who I thought would always be there for me."

Marinette can't hold back her tears anymore and just breaks down. Chat goes up to her and hugs her. This was all his fault, how could he let it get this bad?

"It's ok Marinette, I'm so sorry all of this is happening to you. You deserve so much better" he says trying to make her feel better. She continues to cry into his chest, looking up at him only to say "you might be the only person left that I can actually talk to you know."

He holds her even tighter than before. "And I will always be there for you. No matter what happens, you have my word" he says to her and releases her from the hug. "I'm sure everything will work out eventually" he says.

He caressed her cheek with his hand and places a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Marinette" "Goodnight Chat Noir"

With that Chat goes about his way. When he gets home, he de-transforms and Adrien throws himself on his bed, the only thing he can manage to do is cry.

All he can do is think about the way Marinette looked tonight, the pain she was in, the pain he caused her. All he can think about is how it's his fault and now because of it he's lost the girl he loves. This only causes the tears to fall down his cheeks faster.

"How can I fix this Plagg?"

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