Chapter 35: I Won't Hold You Back

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A/N: I included a note where you should start the music but if you like you're still welcome to start it now :)

Adrien runs out the doors that Nino pointed out to him which lead to the courtyards. He stops in his tracks when he sees her.

She's here, just like Nino said.

She stands there admiring the the decorations the school has put up around the courtyard. The trees have been decorated with twinkling string lights and the sky was clear, the stars shining brightly from above them. The music from the gym was still loud, but without the noise of other people added to it.

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" She says to him, not turning around.

She didn't have to, she knew it was him when she heard the door open.

He walks towards her so that he's standing beside her now. "It really is" he starts, "but not as beautiful as you"

Marinette turns to look at him and blushes. His words never failed to have this effect on her.

Before either of them can say anything else, they hear the song change from within the school.

A/N: music works best at 3:10 for this part.

"Hey! This is the song we danced to at Chloé's party!" Adrien exclaims excitedly

"Oh yea it is!" She says as if this wasn't her favourite song ever

Adrien turns his body to face her and puts out a hand to her. "Would you do me the honour then?"

She takes his outstretched hand, a smile on her face. "I'd love to "

The two step closer together as their hands meet. He wraps his arms around her waist and she puts hers over his shoulders and around his neck, resting her head on his chest as he pulls her in closer.

They dance together to the music, just swaying under the light of the stars in the sky. Everything feels perfect.

Adrien feels like his heart is racing a mile a minute, he really hopes that she can't hear it. He feels butterflies in his stomach having her dance so closely to him.


She lifts her head up to look at him as she hears her name. Her eyes are twinkling with the reflection of the lights on the trees. She's so beautiful.

He can't hold back now.

He puts a hand on her cheek and goes in to kiss her, no hesitation this time. Marinette is taken by surprise for a moment, but begins to melt into the kiss herself.

She goes up onto her toes to better reach him and he wraps his arm tighter around her waist, pulling her closer if that was even possible.

The door from the school opens just then, but neither of them notice.

"Hey you guys, your song is-" Alya starts until she sees the two locking lips.

Her whole face lights up and she internally screams at the sight of them. She pulls out her phone to snap a quick picture of them before quietly going back into the school before the notice. Once inside the school she runs to show everyone the picture.

The two teens finally pull apart for air, Adrien resting his forehead on hers. Both of them panting slightly.

"I've been waiting a while to do that..." He tells her breathlessly

Marinette giggles and they continue to dance together until the song ends. When it does, they both head back into the gym to meet their friends.

As per Alya's request, no one says anything about the picture, but Adrien and Marinette notice everyone is looking at them with the same look.

Everyone continues to dance the night away together until the night sadly comes to an end.

Adrien wants to kiss Marinette goodnight when he drops her off but Alya practically drags her inside when they get to the bakery, so he just says goodnight to them both before driving off back to the Agreste Mansion.

When he finally gets home, the house is empty just as he expected, so he just heads up to his room. His feet are killing him from all the dancing, but he feels like he's floating on a cloud right now.

He spins around once before he falls back onto his bed. "This has been the best night of my life Plagg" Adrien says dreamily.

His kwami flies over to him, camembert in hand, "Yuck! I've seen that love sick puppy look on your face." He rolls his eyes at his owner "makes me lose my appetite"

Adrien however is not listening to a word Plagg is saying, all he can think about the dance earlier this night. "I kissed her Plagg!"

"I know I was there"

"She kissed me back!"

"I know I was there for that too" Plagg says unenthusiastically throwing another piece of cheese into his mouth.

Adrien let's out a happy sigh and sits up to look at his kwami who is now in front of him.

"But what about Ladybug? And the girl from fencing class? They're out of the picture now?" Plagg asks him.

He hadn't thought of this before. Adrien takes a second to think before he responds to Plagg, "Ladybug was the girl of my dreams, but she doesn't share my feelings. She'll always be my partner, but no more and Kagami went back to Japan a few months ago."

"So I guess everything worked out for you, didn't it kid?"

"I guess it did Plagg"

Meanwhile, over at the bakery, Alya practically dragged Marinette inside the minute they arrived there. They run upstairs into Marinette's bedroom before Alya practically explodes.

"GIRL YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW!" Alya practically yells at her.

"Alya what're you talking abou-"


Marinette blushes slightly, was it that obvious? "Well, it kinda just happened" she starts, "we were dancing to that song, you know, the one from Chloé's party? And then he kinda just went in and it all just happened!"

Alya hugs her best friend tightly. "Oh it looked so magical Mari! I'm so happy for you!"

Marinette hugs her back before she has a thought, pushing her friend back slightly. "Wait, how did you know what it looked like?" She asks.

Alya just smiles mischievously, "Well I came out to let you both know your song was playing, but you were too busy eating face to notice I came out." A smirk appears on Alya's face as she adds, "Plus I have this lovely souvenir for you"

Alya shows her the picture she took and Marinette's jaw drops and her eyes go wide. "ALYA! YOU BETTER NOT HAVE SHOWN THIS TO ANYONE!"

"Just Nino... and maybe the rest of our classmates"

"ALYA!" Marinette shrieks and Alya just laughs at her.

"So what are you two now" Alya questions

Marinette thinks for a moment, "I mean we never really talked about it I guess. I mean it was only a kiss, so we're not necessarily together right?"

Alya nods "that's true, but you both should talk about it."

Marinette agrees. Hopefully she'll get to see Adrien soon and maybe they can finally be together.

The girls excitement eventually calms down and they decide to call it a night, getting ready for bed.

Both Adrien and Marinette go to bed that night with the thoughts of their magical moment as they fall asleep.

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