|P r o l o g u e|

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"Manik!" I barged in his room, anger flooding my veins. He was calmly lying down shirtless on his bed. "Seriously after all that fuss downstairs you are sleeping peacefully."

He lazily raised his head to look at me. "Nandini I am sorry."

There was no sincerity in his apology. I took a long deep breath in and then out, calming myself down. "Let's hear your reasons first." I tried saying it as calmly as I could. "In the get together dinner why did you tell everyone that you wanted to marry me?"

From birth, we both were inseparable. We lived in the same neighborhood, attended the same school and even the same university. In fact our mums, having attended the same university, were close friends too and they desperately wanted us to get married. But we were just best friends, nothing more nothing less.

"Nandini aren't you sick from going to all those blind dates?"

"I am." I said, settling down on his bed.

"Just like you I am too and the only way to escape those damn blind dates is for us to get married. Well that's the original purpose of those dates after all." He elaborated as he shifted his head from the pillow to my lap. He loved treating my lap as his pillow. "And Nandini, instead of marrying a complete stranger, I would rather marry you. We can stay best friends for life that way."

"Marriage isn't a child's play, Manik."

"I know that. But Nandini just think about it, among all those boys that you met in the blind dates, did even a single one of them catch your eyes?"

I shook my head in 'no' as I touched his hair and strangely I could feel my mood getting back to normal. I wasn't angry anymore.

"And you know we both have rejected so many of our dates with god knows what kind of reasons. If this keeps on going we would both end up getting married to a complete stranger that my mum choses for us and I don't want that. So back there when my mum brought up the girl's photo, I just couldn't think of any other excuse than you."

I let out a sigh. "Manik you know right I don't want to get married whatsoever."

"I know and I don't want to force you but Nandini, just give it a thought."

"Manik, okay suppose we get married but after that what? You will never get love from me. You already know Manik I don't ever want to fall in love."

"I know." He paused. "But if it's you, I don't need love. So that's why I am saying, instead of being in an unlovable marriage with some stranger, why not marry me?"

"Manik you'll regret your choice."

"Nandini I won't. I don't need love. I just need a way out this blind dates right now and you are my way out. So think about it." He sat up on the bed with my hand in his hold. "Please marry me, Nandini. Please."

He was my annoying best friend. In fact his favourite pass time was irritating me but then he was always there for me and there was no other person who understood me as much as he did. "You won't regret it right?"

"I won't." He assured.

"Fine. Let's get married."

And this was how it all started.


I am not sure how this prologue is but well I hope you guys will like it.

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Love ❤️

Married to my best friendWhere stories live. Discover now