33. His POV

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"Let me help you." I offered as I joined her on the floor, sitting cross-legged in between the pile of her clothes.

"Don't you need to go back?" she asked, slightly elbowing me.

"I took the rest of the day off." I replied, reaching for her clothes. I had taken the whole day off. The first thing I had done in the morning was to rush to her favourite dessert shop to buy some of her favourite desserts and then after I helped mum cook her favourite dish. 

I was just too excited even though I knew I shouldn't have been. I couldn't help it. I was excited since a week back when I got to know she was coming back. I was angry at her and simultaneously at myself too but I found myself counting days. My feelings for her didn't fade one bit in those five needlessly long months. It only grew stronger even after my several tries of holding back. I had played different possibilities of our meeting over and over in my head and yet when I saw her in the airport, I froze. I wanted to embrace her but I couldn't. I had so much to say but all I managed was a 'hi'. It was kind of disappointing even though we did end up having a talk in the car. 

"I took so many clothes for nothing." her words snapped me out of my thoughts. "I just went back and forth from home to office."

I chuckled softly, folding her jeans neatly. "Well, it's always better to have options, right? You never know when you might need a change of clothes or want to dress up a bit."

"Hmm that." she agreed. "But you know I didn't even use half the clothes I took."

"I bet you didn't even unpack." I said as I placed a neatly folded pile of clothes in the lower cupboard dresser. 

She nodded. "I was just too lazy." 

"That's just an excuse." 

"Not necessarily." She said, placing her neatly folded clothes in the dresser. Right then, my eyes fell on a particular sea green shirt. "Hey, this is my shirt." Holding it up, I looked at her. "My favorite shirt at that.

"Is it?" she said almost innocently. 

"I was wondering where I had kept it." 

"I don't know how it landed there."

I raised an eyebrow playfully, pretending to be stern. "So, you're telling me that my favorite shirt magically found its way into your luggage without you knowing?"

"Well, it seems like it did." 

I couldn't help but play along, bringing the shirt closer to my nose and giving it a dramatic sniff. "Did you wear it?" I asked, feigning suspicion. "You surely did."

"I just saw it lying in my suitcase and it looked comfortable. Moreover, you know I love wearing oversize clothes." she said, maintaining a poker face.

I couldn't help but smile at her response.  "Alright, I'll let it slide this time. But only because I can imagine you looking absolutely adorable wearing it."

"Really?" Taking the shirt from my hand, she slipped the shirt on over the one she was already wearing. "You think so?"

"Absolutely," I replied. There was no doubt my shirt looked better on her than on me. "You make it look even better than I do."

"Don't throw such cheesy lines at me," she retorted, a playful glint in her eyes. Without missing a beat, she grabbed the pillow beside her and hurled it right at my face.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed dramatically as the pillow made contact with my forehead and I could hear her giggle. My smile widened, looking at her giggling figure. I missed this. I knew I did.

That moment I couldn't resist the urge to reach out and gently pull her into my embrace. I felt her body stiffen on the sudden pull but the next moment, she relaxed and nestled against me, almost melting in my embrace. I missed feeling this way. I really did.

"You feel like home." I heard her whisper under her breath and those words of hers had my heart racing even more. I lightly ruffled her hair, creating some distance between us . "You too." That's all I could say. I was spellbound. 

My eyes dragged from her eyes to her lips when her lips slightly parted. Gently pulling her closer, I covered the gap between us, taking in the familiar electrifying feels of her lips, that made my stomach churn with uncountable butterflies and my body hot with desire. Months of pent up frustration spilled into one impulse act and before I knew it, we were all over one another with our bodies pressed together.

I was feasting on her mouth as if I had been hungry for it my whole lifetime and she was responding back with equal vigor. My mind was clouded and my body craved for more but the moment she broke the kiss and her hands reached for my shirt buttons, I wavered.

"Nan-Nandini" I placed both my hands on either side of her shoulder and lightly pushed her away, stopping her from proceeding any further.  "Stop!"

"What wrong?!" she said almost breathless, lightly running her fingers on my half exposed chest and that made me shudder.

"We.. we should stop." It took every ounce of self-control within me to fall back, maintaining my composure. "L-Let's take it slow." I proposed and that seemed to have broken her trance.

"Huh?!" A hint of disappointment flickered in her eyes but she covered it up with a small smile. "Yeah let's do that."

As much as I wanted to throw myself onto her, I knew I shouldn't. I didn't want a repeat telecast of what happened months ago. If she decided to run away again, I knew this time I wouldn't be able handle it. 

"I'll go see if lunch is ready." I said as I got up from the floor and made my way out of the room to avoid any sort of awkwardness.

I hate to admit it but I was scared. Hell scared.


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