13. Drunken intimacy

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Knowing that you'll always see me as just friends stings my heart and yet all I can do is to smile.


"It's been months since we last came here." She said, taking in the feels of the fresh warm air, making me smile. I opened the cap of the vodka bottle we bought minutes ago from the small store.

"Drinking and witnessing the sun set. Damn I had almost forgotten this feeling." She looked at me, a huge smile adorn her lips. That was what I wanted, her smile.

"It's been quite a while after all." I said, handing her the bottle of vodka. We were currently in xxx cliff, almost half an hour drive from the office building. "We used to come here quite often." I reached for the other vodka bottle.

"But not anymore." She completed, sitting crossed legged beside me. "We have gotten quite busy, haven't we?"

"We sure have." I agreed.

We both clinked our bottles and took a sip of the drink. Her smile grew wider as she closed her eyes basking in the feels of the afternoon sun and I couldn't help but admire her.

"This is truly beautiful."

"Truly." I agreed, my eyes never for once leaving her.

"Thank you."


"I know what you are trying to do." She looked at me.

"So, is it working?!"

She shook her in head in 'no' before shifting closer to me and snaking her arms around my neck, she buried her head in the crevice of my neck, sniffing in my scent.

My breath hitched.

"Now it is." Her breath grazed my skin as she spoke, making my heart beat even wilder.

Stop, you sinful heart. I mentally tried controlling my wild heart beat but well heart wants what it wants.

"My mum leaving doesn't affect me that much anymore. I am not a kid after all." She said as she raised her head from my neck and smiled. "With you around, I am okay. I am so glad to have you as my friend."

Friend. That word hit me like a truck.

"So you do realize how precious I am!" Nevertheless I broke into a cheshire smile, the kind of smile that makes her roll her eyes.

"I take back my words." She withdrew her hands from my neck, simultaneously adjusting her position and sipping her drink.

"You taking back your words changes nothing."

Ever since I realized my feelings for her in highschool, I hid my feelings, for I knew she hates the idea of love. I thought I was going to be okay with her being around me, but it's getting harder to control my raging hormones when she's in close proximity with me.

Her touch drives me crazy and all I can do is to hold back, for I am just her friend.

I sighed, drinking more than half the content of the bottle in one go. The liquid burned the back of my throat and I winced.

"Slow down." I heard Nandini say and that just made me want to drink even more but I didn't. I couldn't afford to get drunk and lose control over myself. Moreover I had to drive too.

I didn't take a single sip after that.  I just watched her drink and laugh.Half an hour passed by with us talking and laughing. Time sure flies by too fast.

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