12. Feelings!!

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Two days later

"Mmm it's sweet." I beamed when the chocolate melted instantly on my tongue. "The chocolate is just the right amount."

"You like it?" Manik gently placed his hand on my head and I smiled wider, nodding my head in yes.

"This is the sweetest thing ever." I said taking one more bite and he shook his head.

"You always say that while having sweets."

"I know but what can I do when every other dessert feels sweeter than the previous one. " I shrugged.

"Only if you knew there's something else sweeter than all the desserts around the world."

"And what might that be?" I asked, stuffing the dessert fork in his mouth.

"Me." He declared, making me roll my eyes.

"You are annoying." Annoyingly sweet.

I took one more bite of the chocolate tart, moaning in happiness. Right then I felt a thumb on the side of my lips.

"You are such a messy eater." He complained, rubbing his thumb on my lips. I could feel my heart shiver at his gesture but I just let the feeling slip, smiling at him.

"Aren't you getting late for the meeting?"

He looked at his wrist watch. He was currently in my office cabin, ogling at me eat but that wasn't the purpose of his visit. He was here for a board meeting.

"I am." He sighed, standing up from the chair, simultaneously putting on his coat. "Wait for me. I'll see you later."

I nodded.

Shortly after Manik left my cabin, Navya walked in with a pile of files in her hand. "Here's everything you asked for." She placed it on my desk, before eyeing my chocolate tart. I immediately covered it. "No, I am not giving you any." I said even before she could ask.

"Fine. Fine." She leaned on my desk. "By the way are you sure you guys are just friends?"

"We are, okay."

"It doesn't look like that though. Friends don't look at each other the way you guys do." This wasn't the first time she was saying this to me. The way he looks at me I think, it's normal.

"You both are clearly avoiding your feelings." She added.

"Feelings." I paused, taking a bite of the chocolate tart. "There's none. He's my best friend and that's it."

"Then why marry him?" A question I honestly had no answer to.

"Marriage is just our cover. Okay?" I wasn't sure myself.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She shook her head in disbelief as she straightened up. "Thank god Cabir and I weren't this ignorant about our feelings when we were in the 'just friends' phase."

"Feelings only complicate things." I said, playing with the dessert fork.

"You never know unless you try." She shrugged, looking at her phone screen, probably checking her message inbox. "I need to go for now."

Unless I try. I had no plans to do so though. I had already had enough of my dad and my mum. They loved each other too but where's their love now?

"Let's not think about that." I shook my head, getting back to eating the chocolate tart.




The meeting took way more of my time than intended and eventually I had to text Nandini to go back home before me. Sucks right.

After stuffing all the needed papers in my bag, I walked out of the conference room and then down the stairs, to the parking lot. I was too eager to go back home, especially after finding out that Nandini's mum had yet again left home.

How did I find out?

Uncle told me.

Nandini always tells me everything but this time I didn't find this out from her and I was at my fault, for I was too busy the whole week and I didn't get to spent more time with her. I suddenly felt guilty.

Nandini is the kind of person who feels numb to all the pain. She can smile and live her life just fine but the emotions get bottled up and it later bursts out in the form of anger and tears.

As I reached for my car, I saw a familiar figure leaning against my car door. "I texted you to go back without waiting for me."

"But I felt like waiting." She shrugged.

"Did you wait for long?"

"Freaking half an hour." She sulked. I reached over and gently ruffled her hair, intentionally messing it up a bit.

"Come on Manik! Do you have to do that?" She said pouting as she smoothened her hair.

"Yes! Now get in." I said as I unlocked the car door and she complied.

"You should have just gone back home." I said after settling on the driver's seat.

"I came to office with dad and I just didn't feel like hailing a cab or going back by bus. So basically the only option was to wait for you."

"Hmmm. So you wanna go straight home or stop by somewhere else?"

"Wherever you take me."

"How about I take you to a freaking graveyard then?" I joked.

"Your cowardly ass wouldn't be able to do that." She smirked, leaning on her seat.

I chuckled, starting the engine. "More like you wouldn't be able to take a step out of the car, for I am not the one afraid of horror."

"I don't hate horror and I am not scared. I just don't like the sound effects."

"That's the same thing anyway. It's like saying if you lose I kiss you, if I lose you kiss me." I let out a stifle laugh, pressing my foot on the accelerator.

"No that's not even relatable. Hating horror is a whole different thing from hating it's sound effect. Like you see if you..."

Throughout the whole drive the argument kept on dragging. She tried proving her point as to how hating the sound effects and hating the whole horror theme was a total different thing but I sticked to my point too, smirk, pretty much just to annoy her.

She is cute. I find myself wanting to touch her more and more these days. Honestly even sleeping beside her with my hands to myself is like a sweet torture.  It's getting harder for me to hide my feelings.


Can't keep my hands to myself.
No matter how hard I am trying to.

;p So how was the update hah?
I know I made you wait for an extra week long. But I am kind of busy. Sorry for the wait.

And do drop your detailed comments and votes, for I am dying to read them.

Love ❤️

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