25. Any

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All those recurring feeling I had for Manik just became worse after hearing his confession. I hated how I had been feeling warm and fuzzy. I hated how I had been melting in his embrace. I hated how my heart had been beating wildly. I hated how I had been failing to push him away. I hated every bit of how I had been feeling. I dreaded it and yet I stayed still in his arms with my fingers glued to his back.

"I am so grateful to have you in my life." he slightly pulled away from me before lightly caressing the top of my head. My eyelids fluttered over to look at my best friend who had a huge grin on his lips with no freaking idea about my inner turmoil.

"Me too." I managed to say and it wasn't a lie. He had been there for me, been there with me ever since I could remember and I was very grateful. His grin got wider as his face inched closer to me.

Oh hell!

My heart did a double flip as he rubbed his nose against mine. "Let's go. It's our turn to get off next." he said, tapping my chin lightly before fully pulling away from me. I instantly missed his warmth. Something; no actually everything was wrong with me and within me.

"This was fun." he smiled holding my hand as he looked at me from over his shoulder.

"Yeah it was fun." I agreed, stepping out of the Ferris wheel. Half of my day had been terrible. The only good thing that had happened was this mini amusement park date with him and I thoroughly had enjoyed it despite my anxiety and confusion filled mind.

"Thank you." I said after a minute of walking in silence.

"For what?" his face scrunched a bit.

"For today." my voice was low but I knew he heard it, for his lips curved upward into a small smile. 

"You know it already, right?" I asked despite knowing he did. He nodded slightly turning his head to look at me. "Your dad told me."


His footsteps stopped as he fully turned to face me. "Why would you be?"

"I am sorry you got to know it from someone else." My eyes lowered in guilt. I should have told him but I chose not to.

"Nandini you shouldn't be. Honestly-" His warm hands held either side of my cheeks. "I was a bit surprised and a little hurt when uncle mentioned about his divorce. But I understand. You didn't want to talk about it and it's fine."

"I don't know." I shook my head lightly. "I didn't know how to respond to it. I always felt like a shackle holding them together and I wanted them to just-" I exhaled, looking away. "break apart and now when they want to be apart, I don't know what to do?"

He gently lifted my face, making me look at him. "You don't have to do anything if you don't want to." his thumb fingers lightly caressed my jaws and I leaned more into his touch.

"Why-why are you always so understanding?"

He lightly tapped my cheeks before answering, "Because it's you."

"Don't you get tired of me?"

"There's no way I'll ever get tired of you." his tone was soft and it made me feel warm, made me feel things that I didn't want to admit. His hands reached the back of my neck before he pulled me into his warm embrace.

"I don't know what I should say to comfort you. I don't even know if I am in a position to comfort you but I still want to. I wish I could take away your pain." My eyes shut close as I inhaled in his familiar scent.

"You don't need to say anything. Your arms feel more like home to me than my house ever did." I confessed, snuggling more into his chest.

"Cliché." he commented, rubbing my back lightly and I let out a soft muffled laugh.

"Wanna go for some dessert spree night?"

"You are being too generous today-" I raised my head to look at him before deliberately adding, "my friend."

He let out a sigh as he leaned closer to me and pecked my forehead. "I just want to pamper my wife. I am allowed to do that, aren't I?"

I froze at his choice of words. "It's too late. Your-your mum must be waiting for us back home." I didn't know what to say or what to make out of it, so I just blurted out whatever came to my mind.

"I already informed her that I am taking you out and that-" he smiled, holding my hand. "we'll be late. So are you up for some dessert babe?"

I awkwardly looked away from him, trying to fight back the butterflies in my stomach. "Yeah I am always up for free desserts." I walked ahead of him, pulling him along with me to the parking lot. As I opened the door of the car, the broken lowered passenger seat came in my view. It reminded me of our previous deed and that just made my cheeks heat up even more. Nevertheless I got in and settled down on the seat but I didn't dare to look at him. I was just too flustered. 

"So?" he whispered next to my ears. 'Too close.' my mind registered but I didn't move away. I just couldn't. "Which dessert shop would you like to go?"

"Any-any would do." I breathed out. My eyes dragged from my hands to his face. Our eyes met and my heartbeat tripled. He gently held my chin, bringing our lips close. My dry lips parted at his action. My mind was clouded and all I could think of was having him.

"Any." he exhaled into my mouth with his lips grazing over mine. 

"Any." I replied back. The air inside the car suddenly felt hot and charged. It took just few seconds for my resolve of 'one last time' to come crashing down. Our mouths latched over each other into a hungry kiss. He pushed me down coming fully on top of me while my hands started unbuckling his belt. His pant came off without much struggle and so did mine. In a span of minute we were half naked fucking in the passenger seat of his car like two desperate hormonal teenagers. 


"Yeahahhh hahh-" he panted, pushing my head down. "You didn't like strawberry so."

(Don't ask me what this is :p If you know, you know. I can't really write this in detail.)


No cliffhangers for this update. Giving my art of cliffhangers a break, if I can call it one XD. Anyway I hope you like the update and I hope you'll still stay hooked to this story. Enjoy all this when you can and don't forget to drop your reviews. 

Stay safe. Stay happy.
Love ❤️💚

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