11. Jealousy at it's peak

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"I can never understand why you love plants so much." I shook my head, playing with the leaves of some random plant whose name I didn't even bother to see.

"No reasons. I just like them." She replied like any other time. Ever since we had visited a botanical garden for our school trip in primary school, Nandini had grown to like plants. I, on the other hand, liked to diss the plants for their unusual names and make fun of them just so that I could annoy her.

"Plants are so boring and their names are weird." I commented only to get smacked on the head by Nandini.

"I clearly told you not to follow us. If you think it's boring then go sit in the car while we take a look around." She said as she scooted to Aryaman's side. Their shoulders bumped and they both grinned looking at each other.

"Well let's take a look-"

I pulled Nandini to my side. "It's even more boring to sit alone in the car."

"Then do whatever you want but don't disturb my precious time with them." She pointed towards a random plant, before stepping away from me.

"Fine. I am just gonna stick to you." I scooted closer to her while she again stepped away from me, this time her back crashing straight on Aryaman's chest.

"Careful!" Aryaman held either side of her shoulder from behind her to stabilise her. And that sight just didn't settle with me. I could feel my heart sting and all I could see was red warnings coming from Aryaman.

"Ahh than-" Nandini let out a gasp when I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me. Her head lightly banged on my chest.

"Manikkk!!" She chided, glaring at me, before pushing me away. She then slowly rubbed her wrist that I had held.

"Urghhh did I use too much force? Are you okay? Does it hurt?" I panicked. "I am-"

"Stop." Nandini cut me off. "I am okay but it did hurt and as a punishment you are staying 2 metres away from me until we finish touring around the botanical garden."

"No way." I immediately protested. I could hear Aryaman chuckle and that just enraged me.

"Yes way." She declared before grabbing Aryaman's hand and walking away from me.

"Hey Nan-" My lips immediately zipped when she shot a glare at me. "2 metres away." She said and I immediately stepped a few steps back. Not complying with Nandini's punishment meant angry Nandini and when she gets angry, she can be really scary.

"Nandini sorry na." I said, loud enough for her to hear and in the mean time grabbing the attention of the very few people that were present around.

She shot a look at me which clearly indicated 'Shut up.' I let out a sigh, looking at her walk alongside Aryaman. Their shoulders were almost touching and seeing that enraged me.

I honestly wanted to go and stand in the middle of them but I held it in. I didn't want to anger Nandini.

"Why are this prickly plant called cactus? I mean why not Prickly." I said, on seeing  a cactus plant, just with the intention to grab Nandini's attention.

She turned to look at me. "Seriously Manik!"

"That's actually not cactus. It's Haworthia." Aryaman said, pointing towards the plant.

"At least read their names properly." I heard her say as I read the sign board. "Oh yeah!" I said rubbing my nape. Hwawar- scratch it- whatever the name was, I honestly didn't care. I walked up to Nandini. "It really looked like cactus." I said ever so innocently.

"But it isn't and-" Nandini paused before crossing her arms around her chest. "2 metres away."

My expression dropped. "Sorry na."


I pouted. "I swear to keep my mouth shut. Let me just walk beside you."


I couldn't help but chuckle on seeing Manik walk a metre away from us like a lost puppy but of course a ferocious puppy. I could feel his stares drilling holes on my back.

Throughout the tour of the garden, we saw varieties of plants followed by Manik's desperate attempt to grab Nandini's attention by giving nonsensical name to the plant. Now I very well understood why Nandini didn't want to bring Manik along.

"This plant should be named Spiky instead of Dracae- ahh whatever the name is." He said, tearing his gaze from the board to our direction.

I could see Nandini smile, probably on seeing her husband's childishness but she covered it up almost immediately when Manik's gaze fell on her. Now that made me chuckle. She looked at me raising her eyebrows asking 'What?!'

I shook my head in nothing, looking back at Manik. And right now he was fuming. His fists were clenched. He was probably gritting his jaws too. He was clearly jealous. Sigh! so possessive.

I smirked seeing that. I purposely stepped a step closer to Nandini and ran my hands ever so lightly on her hair. "There's something in your-"

I couldn't even complete my words. I felt a hand push my hand away. Manik stood in between me and her. "Don't." He warned.

"There was something in her hair." I said with a smug smile. He huffed, turning to face Nandini. He then gently ran his hands on her hair. To me, it looked as though he was undoing my touch.

"You are messing up my hair." Nandini pouted with her gaze fixed at him.

"Stupid I am not." He gently flicked his fingers on her forehead.

"You are and 2 me-" Before she could complete, he placed his hand over her mouth.

"Please na. I won't do that again."

She lightly pushed his hand away. "You said you wouldn't but throughout our whole tour you were giving silly names to-"

"I'll treat you with your favourite dessert." Manik cut her off.

"That's not enough." She shook her head, fighting back her smile.

"Fine. No restriction on dessert for a day."

"A week." She bargained.

I bet I was like air to them, non existent.

"Two days."

"Two weeks."

"Nandini!!" Manik raised his voice a bit.

"Okay fine. Four days."

"Three days and that's final." He declared.

"Okay fine." She complied with a wide grin on her face.

Totally love sick. This two, I tell you, are really cute. They both purposely play the cute card and get whiny when together. Just a few hours with them I already feel so fucking single.

I wanted to show you guys how a third person would feel in between them. I don't know if I succeeded in doing that but I hope you guys liked the update.

And I know they are getting sweeter and sweeter. Hope your sugar level is fine XD. Enjoy this all when you can ;p.

Love ❤️

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