16. Butterflies?

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When it comes to you, even the smallest details matter.


"I am never drinking again!" I buried my head in my palm, totally flushed when a memory of me clinging to Manik like a Kaola hit my brain. "I did all that."

I seriously wanted to dig a hole and bury myself after all those stunts I had pulled on Manik last night. He had seen my worst but this all was just too embarrassing.

I shook my head and slapped myself a couple of times with the hope to get myself together but as expected that didn't work. "Urghhh what kind of clingy virus had gotten inside me yesterday?!" I pinched my cheeks.
"And why the hell do I keep remembering those lips of his?" The way I remember it, it just makes his lips seem so kiss- wait what! Stop with those nonsensical thoughts.

I got up from my seat, breathing in and breathing out. I had never felt this way about my best friend. I was sure I hadn't or wait had I? I slapped myself quite a few times, reminding myself to not overthink.

"Let's just bury myself in work and forget all this." I told to no one in particular. Taking out the piles of unseen files from the drawer, I placed it on my already messy desk. Then I opened my laptop and started working, okay I at least pretended to work.

An hour passed by with me staring blankly at the laptop screen, my mind time and again, giving me little reminders of my shameless drunken actions from last night. May be that was the reason why I didn't hear the faint knock on the door. Only when the banging got louder did I hear it.

"Come in ."

"What took you so long to answer?" Navya entered the cabin with a file in her hand, probably the employee exchange program file.

"Nothing. I was just too occupied with this." I lied, pointing towards the pile of files stacked on my desk.

"Hmm. You aren't applying for the employee exchange program this year too, are you?"

"Nah I am not interested." I said as I reached for the file in her hand. I opened the file and went through the name list of employees that had applied for the one month employee exchange program. "You applied too? Wait that too to another province? But why? I thought you weren't interested in this."

"I just need a break."

"Break from what?"

"From what do you think?"

"Cabir?" I asked.

Navya nodded in agreement.

"Did you guys fight again?"

"Not really. I just feel like I am starting to take him for granted. So I am taking this as an opportunity to take a break."

"You talked to Cabir about it?"

"I did."

"And what did he say? Was he okay with it?" I pried. Cabir and Navya were best friends turned couple. It had been two years since they started dating and more than that they had known each other for almost ten years now.

"He clearly was not okay but he didn't try to stop me either."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah I am. It's just a month anyway."

"Will you be okay?" I asked.

"I will be." Navya paused. "Now if you are done interrogating me, kindly check it, sign it and send it."

"I'll do that later." I said as I placed the file aside.

"Hmm it's your call anyway." She shrugged and mumbled a hasty ' see you later ' before walking out of my cabin.

Ever since I had known Cabir and Navya, I had never for once seen them separated, at least not for more than a week. So this felt weirdly strange.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur with a lot of nonsensical thoughts passing my mind. When it was finally time to leave, I got a message from Manik saying, ' Come soon. I am waiting in front of the parking lot. '

I hurriedly packed my stuffs. After locking my cabin and leaving the keys in the key locker, I rushed downstairs. I was okay, totally okay until I came face to face with Manik's car. I suddenly felt embarrassed and flushed. What the hell is wrong with me!

"Hop in stupid." Only after he said that did I get conscious. I got inside the car and looked at him. His hair just like always was slicked backward, perfectly styled. I'll never understand how he manages to keep it perfectly styled the whole day.

"How was work today?" He asked, starting the engine.

"Tiring as always." I tipped my head backward, letting it fall limply on the seat. "And yours?"

"Tiring." He looked at me wearing a sad face. I lightly patted his cheeks and his lips stretched into a smile. That was when the memories from last night came rushing into my head and I withdrew my hand almost immediately, making him frown.

"Something wrong?" He asked, probably on sensing my unusual behavior.

"Nope." I denied. He didn't seem to be convinced but thankfully he let it slip.

"Wanna grab dinner outside?" He asked, his eyes never for once leaving me.

"What about Nyonika aunty? Wouldn't she be alone? "

"Did you forget? Mum's attending her reunion party today." He reminded.

"Oh yeah. So we are home alone."

"Practically yes. So wanna grab dinner outside?"

"Fine with me." I agreed, not giving it much thought. It was an hour long drive with us talking about some random stuffs and  singing along with the lyrics of the song that played on the radio.

"Hey, you remembered." I was a little surprised when Manik parked his car in the driveway of the ' Feast and Food '. It was a newly opened restaurant that I had randomly mentioned to him about a week ago and he remembered.

Like why was I even surprised? When it comes to me, he remembers even the smallest details.

"Thank you." I had this big huge smile when I said that. He unlocked his seatbelt before  reaching out his hand towards me and lightly ruffling my hair. "You don't need to thank me stupid." He smiled.

"You know what, I am so lucky to have you in my life. You make me feel so special."

He held my face in between his warm palm, squeezing my cheeks ever so lightly. "And you make me feel alive."

Those words of his had my heart racing and my stomach swarmped with butterflies. Wait! What? Butterflies?

I know I made you guys wait for more than three weeks when I clearly said it would be two weeks. I am really sorry. I was kind of mulling on stuffs and I was preoccupied with some other editing works. Really sorry.

Anyway I hope you guys liked the update. Please don't forget vote and comment.

Stay safe. Stay happy.
Love ❤️

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